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VLC player rebuilds most .avi file indexes

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 05:59
by F_L_A_W
I recently started having a problem where VLC player will, on a vast majority of my .avi files, rebuild the index each time I open it. Some of these files were not moved from the same folder they've been in since the last time they worked properly, but others I did rename and move, and that's when the problems began. If I open them in Windows Media Player, they play without any problems.

I'm having this same problem on 2 different PCs, one Windows 7 system and one running Windows XP. Is it really possible that so many of my files have suddenly become corrupted? I don't understand why moving some files would cause problems with previously working files that I didn't alter, nor why they work without issues in Windows Media Player. My VLC Player is up to date with the latest version on both computers, something I think I did before this issue began, so perhaps I should go back to an older version?

Sorry If I didn't include some necessary info, I just joined the forums now to try and figure this out. If there's anything more I could provide that would be helpful, I will. Thanks.

Re: VLC player rebuilds most .avi file indexes

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 14:47
by kdean
Preferences -> Input & Codecs

Is "Damaged of incomplete AVI file" set to "Always Fix"?

If so, try setting it to: "Ask for action"

Re: VLC player rebuilds most .avi file indexes

Posted: 14 Mar 2013 21:55
by F_L_A_W
That was exactly what my problem was. I had it set to "ask for action" since I first downloaded VLC, but I recently changed it to "always fix" after I had problems with 1 file. I guess it never occurred to me that "always fix" would try to fix files that I never had issues with before as well as the broken ones.

Everything seems to be working fine now, thanks for the help!