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a RC problem

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 10:42
by oscarml

I've a little problem with RC control.

First of all, in several posts there are calls like --rc-host your_host:port, but I think it doesn´t work. The correct is --rc-host="your_host:port", isn´t it?

My problem is the following: I connect with a socket but when I launch a "h" command to probe the connection there is no respond in the rc interface(doesn`t appear the help), and there is no respond in my socket console control. But when I type "h" in the rc command, then the socket begins to work, and it shows with all the "h" commands and "play" commands that I send before. So, the socket doesn´t work since I launch any command from RC interface, and this is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

I need help., Thank you very much

Re: a RC problem

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 11:24
by dionoea
First of all, in several posts there are calls like --rc-host your_host:port, but I think it doesn´t work. The correct is --rc-host="your_host:port", isn´t it?
On windows and macosx yes (linux don't need the =" ")
My problem is the following: I connect with a socket but when I launch a "h" command to probe the connection there is no respond in the rc interface(doesn`t appear the help), and there is no respond in my socket console control. But when I type "h" in the rc command, then the socket begins to work, and it shows with all the "h" commands and "play" commands that I send before. So, the socket doesn´t work since I launch any command from RC interface, and this is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
The RC interface only answers to the first connection ... this behavior suxx and that is why a rewrite of the RC interface (and merging it with the telnet interface) is scheduled.