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Streaming dvds from pc to dreambox

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 00:56
by pcd
I can successfully stream dvds from pc (os Win XP Home) with Vlc Media player 0.7.2 to Dreambox DM5620 with plugin Vlc2.2. But one dvd does not work, it streams for a few seconds then stops streaming although keeps running in the Vlc Media player. I attach the log from a 'working' dvd below followed by the log from the 'not-working' dvd. If the experts can see any clue from these, I will be interested to know. The two logs are identical to a point where I have put a line. The 'not-working' log only shown from that point. Regards, pcd.

'Working' dvd

main debug: new connection (
main debug: connection closed(
main debug: new connection (
main debug: adding playlist item `dvdsimple:D:@1:1' ( dvdsimple:D:@1:1 )
http debug: requested mrl add: dvdsimple:D:@1:1
http debug: get name=sout value= type=string
main debug: new connection (
main debug: connection closed(
http debug: get name=sout value=#transcode{acodec=mpga,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=ts,url=:31000/dboxstream}} type=string
main debug: connection closed(
main debug: new connection (
http debug: requested playlist item: 0
http debug: get name=sout value=#transcode{acodec=mpga,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=ts,url=:31000/dboxstream}} type=string
main debug: creating new input thread
main: playlist item `dvdsimple:D:@1:1'
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: access `dvdsimple', demux `', name `D:@1:1'
main debug: stream=`transcode'
main debug: looking for sout stream module
main debug: probing 1 candidate
main debug: thread 3048 (input) created at priority 1 (src/input/input.c:326)
main debug: stream=`duplicate'
main debug: looking for sout stream module
main debug: probing 1 candidate
stream_out_duplicate debug: creating 'duplicate'
stream_out_duplicate debug: * adding `std{access=http,mux=ts,url=:31000/dboxstream}'
main debug: stream=`std'
main debug: looking for sout stream module
main debug: probing 1 candidate
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to http
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-mux to ts
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-url to :31000/dboxstream
stream_out_standard debug: creating `http/ts://:31000/dboxstream'
stream_out_standard debug: using `http/ts://:31000/dboxstream'
main debug: looking for sout access module
main debug: probing 1 candidate
main debug: thread 3164 (httpd host thread) created at priority 0 (src/misc/httpd.c:982)
main debug: using sout access module "access_output_http"
stream_out_standard debug: access opened
main debug: looking for sout mux module
main debug: probing 2 candidates
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: Open
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: shaping=200000 pcr=30000 dts_delay=200000
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: invalid csa ck (it must be 16 chars long)
main debug: using sout mux module "mux_ts_dvbpsi"
main debug: muxer support adding stream at any time
stream_out_standard debug: mux opened
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_standard"
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_duplicate"
main debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-acodec to mpga
main debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-ab to 192
main debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-channels to 2
stream_out_transcode debug: codec audio=mpga 0Hz 2 channels 192Kb/s
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_transcode"
main debug: looking for access module
main debug: probing 1 candidate
dvd debug: dvd=D: raw= title=1 chapter=1 angle=1
main debug: new connection (
main debug: connection closed(
dvd debug: number of titles: 2
dvd debug: title 1 vts_title 1 pgc 1
dvd debug: title first 410, last 2196801, size 2196802
main debug: using access module "dvd"
main debug: looking for demux module
main debug: probing 2 candidates
main debug: looking for mpeg-system module
main debug: probing 1 candidate
main debug: using mpeg-system module "mpeg_system"
main debug: selecting ES 0xe0
main debug: looking for packetizer module
main debug: probing 29 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_mpegvideo"
main debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
main debug: selecting ES 0x80bd
main debug: looking for packetizer module
main debug: probing 29 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "a52"
main debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
main debug: using demux module "dvd"
main debug: starting in synch mode
packetizer_mpegvideo debug: Size 720x576 fps=25.000
main debug: adding a new input
stream_out_transcode debug: not transcoding a stream (fcc=`mpgv')
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mpgv (es=223 group=0)
main debug: adding a new input
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adding input codec=mpgv pid=68
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: new PCR PID is 68
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0


a52: A/52 channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:192000
main debug: adding a new input
stream_out_transcode debug: creating audio transcoding from fcc=`a52 ' to fcc=`mpga'
main debug: looking for encoder module
main debug: probing 12 candidates
ffmpeg debug: libavcodec initialized (interface 4714 )
ffmpeg debug: found encoder MPEG Audio layer 1/2
main debug: using encoder module "ffmpeg"
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mpga (es=32956 group=0)
main debug: adding a new input
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adding input codec=mpga pid=69
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adjusting rate at 0/200000 (204/71)
main debug: new connection (
main debug: connection closed(
main debug: connection closed(
main debug: new connection (
http debug: requested playlist stop
http debug: get name=sout value=#transcode{acodec=mpga,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=ts,url=:31000/dboxstream}} type=string
main debug: 767 loops
main debug: dumping stream ID 0x0 [OK:0/D:24799]
main debug: seekable stream, position: 49952782/4499050496 (0:00:59/1:29:16)
main debug: dumping program 0x1, version 0 (complete)
main debug: unlocking module "mpeg_system"
main debug: unlocking module "dvd"
main debug: unselecting ES 0xe0
main debug: unlocking module "packetizer_mpegvideo"
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `mpgv', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: removing an input
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: removing input pid=68
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: new PCR PID is 69
main debug: unselecting ES 0x80bd
main debug: unlocking module "a52"
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `a52b', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: removing an input
main debug: unlocking module "ffmpeg"
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: removing input pid=69
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: new PCR PID is 8191
main warning: no more input stream for this mux
main debug: no more selected ES
main warning: destroying sout
main debug: destroying chain... (name=transcode)
main debug: destroying chain... (name=duplicate)
stream_out_duplicate debug: closing a duplication
main debug: destroying chain... (name=std)
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: Close
main debug: unlocking module "mux_ts_dvbpsi"
main debug: httpd_HostDelete
main debug: httpd_HostDelete: host removed from http
main debug: new connection (
main debug: connection closed(
main debug: deleting playlist item `dvdsimple:D:@1:1'
http debug: requested playlist empty
http debug: get name=sout value=#transcode{acodec=mpga,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=ts,url=:31000/dboxstream}} type=string
main debug: thread 3164 joined (src/misc/httpd.c:1036)
main debug: httpd_HostDelete: host thread joined
access_output_http debug: Close
main debug: unlocking module "access_output_http"
main debug: unlocking module "stream_out_standard"
main debug: destroying chain done
main debug: unlocking module "stream_out_duplicate"
main debug: destroying chain done
main debug: unlocking module "stream_out_transcode"
main debug: destroying chain done
main debug: unlocking module "dvd"
main debug: pes: 1 packets
main debug: data: 1 packets
main debug: buffers: 2 packets
main debug: freeing info structures...
main debug: thread 3048 joined (src/input/input.c:373)
main debug: connection closed(
main debug: new connection (
http debug: get name=sout value= type=string
main debug: connection closed(

'Not-working' dvd

stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
main debug: new connection (
main debug: connection closed(
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adjusting rate at 13333/404044 (716/379)
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adjusting rate at 13333/390711 (157/222)
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adjusting rate at 53334/377378 (117/105)
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adjusting rate at 80000/324044 (105/0)
a52: A/52 channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:192000
main debug: adding a new input
stream_out_transcode debug: creating audio transcoding from fcc=`a52 ' to fcc=`mpga'
main debug: looking for encoder module
main debug: probing 12 candidates
ffmpeg debug: libavcodec already initialized
ffmpeg debug: found encoder MPEG Audio layer 1/2
main debug: using encoder module "ffmpeg"
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mpga (es=32956 group=0)
main debug: adding a new input
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adding input codec=mpga pid=69
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adjusting rate at 16000/200000 (908/218)
dvd debug: new title
dvd debug: title 2 vts_title 1 pgc 1
main debug: unselecting ES 0xe0
main debug: unlocking module "packetizer_mpegvideo"
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `mpgv', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: removing an input
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: removing input pid=68
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: new PCR PID is 69
main debug: unselecting ES 0x80bd
main debug: unlocking module "a52"
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `a52b', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: removing an input
main debug: unlocking module "ffmpeg"
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: removing input pid=69
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: new PCR PID is 8191
main warning: no more input stream for this mux
main debug: no more selected ES
dvd debug: title first 10439, last 2107745, size 2107746
main debug: selecting ES 0xe0
main debug: looking for packetizer module
main debug: probing 29 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_mpegvideo"
main debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
main debug: selecting ES 0x80bd
main debug: looking for packetizer module
main debug: probing 29 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "a52"
main debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
packetizer_mpegvideo debug: Size 720x576 fps=25.000
main debug: adding a new input
stream_out_transcode debug: not transcoding a stream (fcc=`mpgv')
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mpgv (es=223 group=0)
main debug: adding a new input
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adding input codec=mpgv pid=70
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: new PCR PID is 70
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
a52: A/52 channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:192000
main debug: adding a new input
stream_out_transcode debug: creating audio transcoding from fcc=`a52 ' to fcc=`mpga'
main debug: looking for encoder module
main debug: probing 12 candidates
ffmpeg debug: libavcodec already initialized
ffmpeg debug: found encoder MPEG Audio layer 1/2
main debug: using encoder module "ffmpeg"
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mpga (es=32956 group=0)
main debug: adding a new input
mux_ts_dvbpsi debug: adding input codec=mpga pid=71
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
main debug: connection closed(

Posted: 25 Jul 2005 20:38
by The DJ
For some reason the http connection is closed: main debug: connection closed(

There is no indication whatsoever that VLC decides to do so, so i assume the client breaks of the connection for some reason. As far as i can tell from the debug the stream is still working. (just no clients connected anymore)

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 01:18
by pcd
Many thanks for your time. The problem therefore seems to be in the vlc plugin in the dreambox. Regards.