Play next video in a folder
Posted: 03 Feb 2013 07:12
by hereathome
I have searched but haven't found an answer. Is there a way to tell vlc to play the next movie clip in a folder? Is there a "next" option somewhere that I am overlooking? It seems like there should be some way to play "video 1", then hit "next" to play "video 2", etc. Could some one more knowledgeable answer this question? Thank you very much.
Re: Play next video in a folder
Posted: 03 Feb 2013 12:50
by mederi
Re: Play next video in a folder
Posted: 03 Feb 2013 16:02
by hereathome
I am sorry but I don't know what to do with the code when it is downloaded from here. ... thSort.lua I understand that it goes in the folder here C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua on my pc, but what and how do I save the instruction text? Could you be a litte more specific as to what to do? I would appreciate it. Thanks very much.
Re: Play next video in a folder
Posted: 10 Feb 2013 04:32
by saskcat
hello. this is not a code cure, but what i noticed is that vlc will place videos in alphabetical order, so i place a,b,c,d... in front of file names and it plays in order i chose. $.02