VLC command line usage and playlist file question
Posted: 14 Jan 2013 17:33
I posted this in this forum as its not really a windows specific question though I do use VLC for windows.
I am writing a script in Autoit and its purpose is so that I can organize my videos. I am not a fan of video library apps as they are more complicated then I need them to be.
What this script does is it reads a video directory and populates it with all the folders in it. I then can select the files I want using checkboxes and then a destination directory and move it. I haven't got all the code done yet but its about 50% there.
What I would like to do is after I select the files I want to deal with is to build a playlist for vlc to use and pass that to it via the scripts run command which basically like running it from a command prompt. I will have vlc's path hard coded into the script with a space on the end of it then add any command line switches I need to load the playlist
Now I have the full path and file name of the video file I want to work with. Can I just output that to a standard text file and use that as a playlist? If not then I guess I am up a creek without a paddle as I don't know squat about xml. I did look at a saved playlist and its an xml file and I know nothing about it.
VLC will be run from the script I am creating. I will be able to create a text file from that script for the playlist then pass vlc the full path to that play list file. It would be a lot faster to use a playlist then to play each video one at a time. This way I can see if I want to keep the video it I do keep it checked if not then uncheck it and continue do the move then when all files are moved then select the remaining files and delete them
I am writing a script in Autoit and its purpose is so that I can organize my videos. I am not a fan of video library apps as they are more complicated then I need them to be.
What this script does is it reads a video directory and populates it with all the folders in it. I then can select the files I want using checkboxes and then a destination directory and move it. I haven't got all the code done yet but its about 50% there.
What I would like to do is after I select the files I want to deal with is to build a playlist for vlc to use and pass that to it via the scripts run command which basically like running it from a command prompt. I will have vlc's path hard coded into the script with a space on the end of it then add any command line switches I need to load the playlist
Now I have the full path and file name of the video file I want to work with. Can I just output that to a standard text file and use that as a playlist? If not then I guess I am up a creek without a paddle as I don't know squat about xml. I did look at a saved playlist and its an xml file and I know nothing about it.
VLC will be run from the script I am creating. I will be able to create a text file from that script for the playlist then pass vlc the full path to that play list file. It would be a lot faster to use a playlist then to play each video one at a time. This way I can see if I want to keep the video it I do keep it checked if not then uncheck it and continue do the move then when all files are moved then select the remaining files and delete them