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selection playback

Posted: 08 Jan 2013 23:36
by cackelrye
i have used vlc for a long time.i use it for my bittorrented live concert downloads.for some reaso it now plays the files in random order,rather than from beginning to do i fix this.even files it used to play in order,now play the way i love the vlc concept.thank you.

Re: selection playback

Posted: 09 Jan 2013 02:44
by Arite
If you do a right-click on the playlist view can can select how the playlist is sorted by going to "Sort by" etc.

Alternatively select "Detailed View" (from the button or "right-click >> Playlist Mode View") for a column-based view and sort by your desired column (you can add/remove them).

If you want the files to be in the correct order when added then changing the directory order may help. This can only be done in 2.1.x and above though as far as I'm aware (i.e. not released yet - nightly builds are available).

I presume VLC 2.0.x and earlier went by the system order, or was alphabetical.

In VLC 2.1.x the directory-sort option is described as:

Code: Select all

--directory-sort={collate,version,none} Directory sort order Define the sort algorithm used when adding items from a directory.
The long text (from fs.c):

Code: Select all

collate: "Sort alphabetically according to the current language's collation rules." version: "Sort items in a natural order (for example: 1.ogg 2.ogg 10.ogg). This method does not take the current language's collation rules into account." none: "Do not sort the items."
Nightly builds of VLC 2.1.x can be found here:

You can change the option by going to (in the default Qt interface of VLC):
Tools >> Preferences >> (Select "All" for "Show settings") >> Input / Codecs >> Access modules >> File

And select your desired option from the "Directory sort order" drop down box. Press "Save" and try adding a directory.


Re: selection playback

Posted: 09 Jan 2013 03:47
by cackelrye
thank you i will try those options.not sure why the selection process changed,maybe i downloaded a newer version.i will try and figure this out