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Playlist question

Posted: 04 Jan 2013 09:26
by dg67
Hi everybody,
I'm new here and sorry if I can post a question already sent by someone else.

Each time I double click on an MP3 file (or I open with "open with -> VLC") and I don't close VLC, the file is added to the playlist, so after VLC played it, starts to play older files again. How to avoid this behaviour without cleaning the playlist manually? I want to play just LAST file I click!

Thanks in advance

Re: Playlist question

Posted: 09 Jan 2013 22:19
by edwardw
Try checking off "allow only one instance" and uncheck "enqueue files in one-instance mode".

Re: Playlist question

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 07:46
by dg67
Your method works, of course, but it opens another VLC instance. I should close the previous one manually. If I don't stop the music, two MP3s will be played simultanously.

Re: Playlist question

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 19:18
by edwardw
Well, if you leave "allow only one instance" checked while un-checking "enqueue files in one-instance mode", it should work fine.

Re: Playlist question

Posted: 02 Mar 2013 03:36
by Trauer
Well, if you leave "allow only one instance" checked while un-checking "enqueue files in one-instance mode", it should work fine.
Yes it should but it doesn't. The difference between checking and unchecking "enqueue files in one-instance mode" is that with checked enqueue the old video play to the end, with unchecked enqueue it changes to the new video but the old are still in playlist. But I search for a function which clears the playlist and add only the new video.

Sry for my bad english :>