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Slow starting playback when streaming m4a audio over LAN

Posted: 01 Jan 2013 12:31
by chejachik
I have been makeing a streaming Java player using VLCJ wich uses libvlc.
I noticed that large m4a audio files (about 60 minutes) played over HTTP started playing but there was no progress update until 10 seconds of playback.
I checked it directly in VLC and the same problem remains. If the file is played locally (not with an http URL) that problem is not produced.
The problem is not the bandwidth, because I have made the tests over Gigabit LAN, not over internet.
Smallest files does not show this problem.

Has someone experienced this same issue?

You can download one file that produces that problem here ... FZUM3JnbFk. It is an episode of the free Tiƫsto's Club Life Podcast.

Re: Slow starting playback when streaming m4a audio over LAN

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 13:14
by Newerwinters
I have the same issue both on Windows and Linux, it's not a bandwidth issue since MP3 files from the same server load just fine and other podcast apps (the iPhone's podcast app for example) loads these files just fine over the same connection, but VLC needs several seconds to begin playing and the interface becomes unresponsive for about 10 seconds since then.

Here are the debug logs for streaming an MP3 file : ... tfile1.txt (works fine and loads in less than a second) and here is the log for a M4A file on the same machine : ... tfile1.txt

Please fix this, let me know if you need any more info or logs.