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play mxf files in VLC

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 11:25
by manishk
why caption data with videos in .mxf format is not playing by VLC media player? I want to know how vlc is handling mxf files . I am interested to know about the block diagram or architectural view. Please help....

Re: play mxf files in VLC

Posted: 05 Dec 2012 14:20
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
We don't support captions in MXF. PLease report the bug and share the files.

Re: play mxf files in VLC

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 07:12
by manishk
Can VLC play .mxf files directly or it is converting .mxf to some other supported files and then playing? Is VLC using ffmpeg to play .mxf files? How mxf video and audio playing in VLC.? Is there any document available to refer?

Re: play mxf files in VLC

Posted: 06 Dec 2012 11:36
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Yes, it can play directly. It uses FFMpeg iindeed.