Postby oakashandthorn » 13 Nov 2012 04:10
I posted this topic, in error, in the section for problems specific to the Windows OS. I did not know how to delete that post.
I am repeating the topic here, since it is obviously general VLC trouble shooting.================================================================================
I think the problem started when I downloaded a newer version of the software?
Previously, when starting a film, I could select Playback,and then Slower (Fine adjustment), which would reduce the speed of playback to 90%, and for each successive click, reduced by another 10%; same adjustment was available of Faster playback.
I find it hard to follow the dialog on many movies, and need to slow down the sound/speech/playback, so I really miss this feature.
I am presently using VLC Media Player 2.0.3 To regain the Playback Speed adjustment, do I need to uninstall the present version, and download an older version? If so, where can I do this, and which version would have that feature?
Or mayhap Version 2.0.3 has this feature, cleverly hidden somewhere, and I can't find it???
Thanks for any help anyone can offer!