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[Solved] How to get named chapters?

Posted: 10 Nov 2012 11:23
by ibu
A DVD menu (I mean the menu which is offered from the producer of a DVD and is displayed inside the picture) shows named chapters.

When you open "Playback > Chapter" the user gets a simple list of numbered chapters. No names, not textual content at all.

My question:
Is there no standard for the transport of meta data from a DVD to a playback software (like VLC)?

Another example of meta data is the language of the audio track.

"Audio > Audio Track" just shows numbered list entries. No language.

Re: How to get named chapters?

Posted: 10 Nov 2012 14:16
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Unfortunately, I think the data is not conveyed in the DVD. Navigation and track selection is normally done via the DVD menus. It is not optimized for use with a separate UI.

Re: How to get named chapters?

Posted: 10 Nov 2012 14:56
by ibu
I feared that. Well, I have to put up with it, of course. I don't like proprietary systems/structures at all.

Thanks for your help.