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change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 06 Nov 2012 19:24
by theshu
Dear Devs,

it would be cool if VLC media player has an option to change the actual screen-resolution when switching into fullscreen.
I have a htpc connected to my fullhd-tv (1920x1080 capable) but set the resolution in my os to a lower one because most elements are displayed to small on the screen.

Because of the lower resolution VLC media player won't display hd-movies in full-hd because the screen-resolution stays the same (Videos are downsampled or stretched).
Please implement an option that makes it possible to manually set another screen-resolution for fullscreen-mode.

Thank you!

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 06 Nov 2012 21:06
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
This is, of course, impossible. VLC can only talk to the graphic card.

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 06 Nov 2012 22:36
by theshu

thank your for your fast response.
I'm sure I've not explained myself correctly:

The option I am talking about is available in other media players too.
Example, take a look at MPC-HC:
View-->Options-->Use autochange fullscreen monitor mode.
MPC-HC will alter the screen resolution when entering into fullscreen.

Why would this be impossible in VLC media player?
(Most fullscreen applications or games have an option to alter screen resolution)

kind regards

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 06 Nov 2012 23:14
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Because this is bad behaviour, and we will not do it.

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 09:36
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Changing the resolution made some sense ten years ago: it saved precious CPU cycles in not scaling the video, and CRT monitors could display different resolution. Nowadays, GPU can do scaling so it won't matter to the CPU. And flat panels can only display (cleanly) at their native hardware resolution. So changing the resolution is stupid. Also, the resolution would not be restored to normal if the applications crashes or gets killed while playing.

So no, VLC does not change the resolution and it won't because it is really stupid. Your configuration is broken, not VLC. You should increase the OS font size instead.

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 12:07
by theshu
@Rémi Denis-Courmont
Thank you for your explanations. :)
Your configuration is broken, not VLC. You should increase the OS font size instead.
This is what I'am currently doing. But there are loads of applications that simply are not compatible with bigger fontsizes / controls are not stretched correctly too. Firefox still is to small to read.... This is nowadays sadly no solution to display everythings with larger size.

You can easily test in all Windows versions (for example windows 7): I have set the fontsize to a bigger one and also tried to change dpi for better readability (recommended way). Unfortunately this is not the solution, simply test it and you will see :(

Even today there is no other reliable method to increase the size of ALL elements on the screen than changing the resolution. You can also reproduce this on Ubuntu.

So on this point, I can not agree with you. Please give a statement.
Also, the resolution would not be restored to normal if the applications crashes or gets killed while playing.
This is correct. Therefore it should be an "optional" setting (like in other players too) that users can enable if they need to and not the default.
So I think this will be a very useful feature that many htpc-users with high-res-monitors will appreciate.

Is there a way to pay for having this option implemented? How much will it cost?

best regards and thank you for your help!

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 14:42
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
VLC is not responsible for bugs or limitations in other applications. Your concerns are not valid considerations for requirements to the VLC.

For X11, there was that dated and unfinished patch: ... 038de565a6
For Win32 GUI, I have no clue.

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 16:12
by theshu
VLC is not responsible for bugs or limitations in other applications. Your concerns are not valid considerations for requirements to the VLC.
Currently there is no OS on earth that handles this well. Are you serious that my request is a bug-fix-request?

I am asking for a missing feature that many other players and almost ALL fullscreen-apps already have (since years...). :!:
This is no bugfix, workaround or anything, but a simple "standard" feature that VLC media player is still lacking of.

I am also offering money but to me it looks like I can not talk with you very objective. Hey, I will pay for this feature!!! :mrgreen:
How much should I pay for having it implemented?

I don't know what monitor you have. But lets presume you have a 32-inch monitor with full-hd.
Now start your os and open some programs and documents and webbrowser. Navigating should be easy.
Try the same with a distance of 2 or more (depending) meters from your monitor and you will have issues.
I wish you have a htpc then I am sure you would recognize my request as a useful one.

Thank you for the hint for the x11 patch, but this is no good solution and under windows there is also no way...

Maybe this thread belongs to the feature requests subforum. You can move it if you want.

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 17:27
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
My point is simply that we do not design VLC around the limitations of some other software. There are far more than enough bugs and limitations within VLC proper. We simply cannot afford to get side tracked with working around other bugs.

As for how much money this needs, that would depend whom you ask. (Personally, I am not available for contracting at the moment.) You need to keep in mind that not many people will read this thread far enough to even notice.

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 18:20
by theshu
Hello and thank you for your answer.
You need to keep in mind that not many people will read this thread far enough to even notice.
The last thing I can ask you is to forward my offer to willing developers in your team.

kind regards

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 01 Feb 2014 11:59
by mareckibobik2
Hi. I just registered to say this. I don't agree its stupid to change fullscreen resolution. I have my PC connected via HDMI to my HDTV. I use MPC-HC for movies. And with VLC I'm mostly watching streams from my TV player. As all channels are coded in 25 fps (im living in EU). It is obvious that 1080p @ 50 hz is the best option for me. While with all other things (gaming, normal PC usage etc) I'm using 60 hz (60 fps is perfect in games). Also most movies are coded in 23,968 fps or something. So obviously its better to use 50 HZ to watch movies as it is much smoother than 60 hz (24*2= almost 50 just need 4% speed increase to make it 25*2=50). While with 60 hz u need 24*2 =48+ u need 12 frames more. SO in order to create these 12 frames two more frames are created after each one. So its 2-4-2-4 multipler which creates a bit of pause after each frame - these are not exact frame numbers but im saying this just to give you an idea. Compared to 2-2-2-2 multipler for 50 hz (movie 24 converted to 4% faster = 25 or normal PAl TV which is 25 already . Its 25*2=50hz). Obviously it is more smooth with 2-2-2-2 multiplier (no gaps/pauses, constant smoothness). I think its really a shame for some site admins here to say that changing fullscreen resolution is stupid or "bad behavior" lol. It really isnt. I am really shocked someone who is developing a player app could say this. You either don't understand why its great feature or you can't code it Idk. I know however not adding such feature is stupid.

Just read this: and you will get why its important to change from 1080p 60hz (from gaming/normal PC usage) to 1080p 50 hz for movies/PAL TV. There are also exact frame numbers etc.

Im pretty sure you wont add the feature no matter what I say but for you to say such feature is stupid is derogatory.

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 01 Feb 2014 18:01
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
I have never said anything about changing the refresh rate, only about changing the resolution. It could make sense, though it seems impractical.

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 02 Feb 2014 14:34
by mareckibobik2
I'm glad you responded and also very fast, thanks!

On topic: I understand your point about resolution though I dont think it is possible to change refresh rate not changing resolution (in a way Graphic card sees it). So basically changing only refresh rate = changing resolution for graphics card (to same resolution but with different refresh rate if you know what I mean). However if there is an option to change only refresh rate already in VLC or planned that would be amazing. I can't find such option if it exist please guide me. You can see it is very practical for reasons mentioned above and it would be a welcome addition for some HDTV enthusiasts.

I am not saying "do it or else your program sucks". VLC is the best player for watching my TV streams and only one I use for this, also its preferred one for watching HD movies. All I'm saying here is that from 99% perfect program you can make it 1% more better. Best regards and good luck whatever your statement about this is!

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 03 Feb 2014 20:31
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
As I said, that seems rather impractical with the current OS designs - unless you have graphic card and monitor with variable refresh rate that is.

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 08 Feb 2024 05:00
by CerebratedFreak
As I said, that seems rather impractical with the current OS designs - unless you have graphic card and monitor with variable refresh rate that is.
Ten years later, I do. X11 is gone-ish and the problem remains.

Re: change screen-resolution when entering fullscreen mode

Posted: 08 Feb 2024 11:56
by unidan
This has been described as won't fix above, so even in ten more years, it won't be "fixed". Sorry.