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How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 06 Nov 2012 06:16
by godzfire
I have a really simple thing I'd like to do with VLC that I can't seem to find the way to do it:

I want to set up a playlist that is linked specific folder that I put music where if I add or remove stuff in that folder, it will update in the main VLC playlist when I open VLC. Right now I have to manually delete/clear out the playlist and drag the new audio files onto it, which is really non-user friendly.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playli

Posted: 06 Nov 2012 12:09
by mederi
A VLC shortcut or a batch script file (.bat, .cmd). For example:

Code: Select all

"c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\vlc.exe" "d:\audio files\"

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playli

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 04:18
by godzfire
Sorry but what do I do what that exactly? Is that something I put in VLC?

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playli

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 04:22
by godzfire
I tried this:
"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" "C:\Users\USER\Desktop\Audio\"
It opened VLC but got this message:
File reading failed:
VLC could not open the file "C:\Users\USER\Desktop\Audio"". (%m)
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'file:///C:/Users/USER/Desktop/Audio%22'. Check the log for details.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playli

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 07:03
by godzfire

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playli

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 08:39
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
The last backslash seems wrong.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playli

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 08:43
by godzfire

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playli

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 13:02
by mederi
Create a desktop shortcut icon of your VLC. Then edit VLC path in its properties (mouse right-click on the shortcut icon) and simply add a desired path of your folder with multimedia files.
Works fine for me on Windows XP - with or without the last backslash in the path.

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playli

Posted: 09 Nov 2012 04:07
by godzfire
Create a desktop shortcut icon of your VLC. Then edit VLC path in its properties (mouse right-click on the shortcut icon) and simply add a desired path of your folder with multimedia files.
Works fine for me on Windows XP - with or without the last backslash in the path.
THANK YOU! That did the trick!

Re: How to auto load music files from a folder to the playlist

Posted: 27 Mar 2016 23:53
by godzfire
Sorry to bump an old topic, but since I was the original poster I thought it was okay.

So, how can this be done on OSX? Example: I record a radio show every morning to a folder. I want to set VLC so when it's opened, it's playlist loads whatever is in that folder.