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VLC 2.0.4 LPCM 5.1 channels are still swapped

Posted: 03 Nov 2012 19:19
by LesiU
2.0.4 even though advertised as having lots of bug fixes, still has the same old issue - LPCM multichannel sound has swapped channels (wrong mapping).
An example, is James Bond - **SPAM ALERT** Royale with english LPCM 5.1 track.

Here's the link to reference for the issue:

What is interesting, the issue is related with MKV. Multichannel wave file is beeing played fine (taken from here: ).
Windows Media Player plays that particular movie (mkv) fine. No problems with channel mapping.

Re: VLC 2.0.4 LPCM 5.1 channels are still swapped

Posted: 05 Nov 2012 12:18
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Can you share the sample then?