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I want greek subtitels to work on vlc

Posted: 02 Nov 2012 20:19
by The1Eighty7
Hi there.
I have a problem whit greek subtitels i try to use in vlc.
My girlfriend in from greek and i want her to have greek subtitels to read when we watch movies.
i dont get it to work, the subtitel is there (in the movie) but its not greek. I think its trouble whit the reading of vlc, do i need to change some kode or something. I tryed to do this: Tols - settings - subtitels and screentext ; and changed to greek both (windows-1253 and ISO 8859-7) but it dont work.
Can someone help me, and maybe you can help me fint good subtitels page on the web for me.

Best Regards - Roger

Re: I want greek subtitels to work on vlc

Posted: 03 Nov 2012 06:46
by Lotesdelere
Make sure to use a font which support Greek characters and try some other code pages (e.g. System Codeset or UTF-8 or UTF-16).