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Why don't open clips of .wsx?
Posted: 24 Oct 2012 04:24
by basiliopozoduran
in this:
only open the first of the three clips, why?
Re: Why don't open clips of .wsx?
Posted: 24 Oct 2012 08:20
by Lotesdelere
Because the stream contains some Windows Media script that VLC can't deal with.
Re: Why don't open clips of .wsx?
Posted: 24 Oct 2012 15:42
by basiliopozoduran
in the firt yes but no in the second and third?
Re: Why don't open clips of .wsx?
Posted: 25 Oct 2012 08:16
by Lotesdelere
Because it can't deal with the script, VLC can't see the other clips but only the first one.
Re: Why don't open clips of .wsx?
Posted: 25 Oct 2012 13:46
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf