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Telnet interface Q

Posted: 08 Jul 2005 18:34
by Jinja

I started vlc playing with a TElnet interface using the command line:

Shell("c:\progra~1\videolan\vlc\vlc --intf telnet --telnet-port 1111 --fullscreen --spdif dvdsimple:c:\24")

I then logged into the telnet interface using Windows hyperterminal.

I type 'help' for a list of commands I can execute:


Commands Syntax:
new (name) vod|broadcast|schedule [properties]
setup (name) (properties)
show [(name)|media|schedule]
del (name)|all|media|schedule
control (name) [instance_name] (command)
save (config_file)
load (config_file)
Media Proprieties Syntax:
input (input_name)
inputdel (input_name)|all
inputdeln input_number
output (output_name)
option (option_name)[=value]
loop|unloop (broadcast only)
mux (mux_name)
Schedule Proprieties Syntax:
append (command_until_rest_of_the_line)
date (year)/(month)/(day)-(hour):(minutes):(seconds)|now
period (years_aka_12_months)/(months_aka_30_days)/(days)-(hours):(minutes):(seconds)
repeat (number_of_repetitions)
Control Commands Syntax:
seek (percentage

I was guessing that running the commands 'play' 'pause' etc would control the movie I initiated at the command line, but I am receiving 'Unknown command' back from telnet server.

What am I doing wrong?

I'd also love to start playing a new file using the interface.

I am new to VideoLAN since a week ago, and have read as much as possible, but no luck.

If I've missed any documentation relating to telnet, could someone point me in the right direction?

Or even better, are there any examples that I could look at?

Many thanks!

Posted: 09 Jul 2005 11:13
by dionoea ... /ch05.html will be helpfull i think. Beware that the telnet interface is used to control the vlm vlc component. If you just want to use the same basic features as the "normal" interface, use the rc interface.


Posted: 09 Jul 2005 14:19
by Jinja
Many thanks, that link helps. Yes I'm interested in the vod aspects of vlm, so am looking at using telnet.

Regarding the rc interface, how do I connect to this in an XP/windows environment?

Also, this might be another stupid question, but: I'm looking to control the server side VLC instance from remote computers as simply as possible.
Would a connectionliess UDP-based approach not have been a good approach, with clients sending formatted strings to a UDP listen-server?

I know VLC is an open-source project so I'm not asking you to do it RIGHT NOW ;-), I'm just interested in the design approach.
