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VLC 2.03 crashes playing BluRay

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 02:22
by josephrot
Not SURE if this extends to all OS's, like Windows, Linux, et al...

One item seen that crashes VLC MediaPlayer 2.03 Windows, but should and could be much better handeled, is that VLC will crash when trying to open or play BluRay discs, or dual content discs that contain both a BluRay amd "normal" DVD on them.

This problem needs to be addressed, so that even if VLC is not supposed to play BluRay, that users are notified, instead of seeing VLC crash.

And if VLC encounters a dual BluRay + standard DVD file or disc, it should (?) be able to make contact with what it can play, and not just crash.


Re: VLC 2.03 crashes playing BluRay

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 12:20
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Are you playing the DVD or the Bluray in VLC?

Re: VLC 2.03 crashes playing BluRay

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 15:30
by josephrot
Are you playing the DVD or the Bluray in VLC?
Please re-read my original message again(!)

Stated a different way:

It's happening when Win 7 64bit or 32bit, on a laptop or desktop, asking VLC to locate the DVD disc to begin playing a BluRay DVD OR a BluRay DVD that also has "standard" DVD also on it, which is verified by Windows Media Player being able to locate and play the DVD component just fine,, while VLC 2.03 crashes.

Many users should be seeing this.

So far, it's hard to make VLC "see" and isolate the DVD component so VLC can play it.

Instead, VLC as of 2.03 simply crashes out, without real user control or an error catch net that allows users to simply be notified, told the why of it happening, and be returned to a neutral display to start again at.


Re: VLC 2.03 crashes playing BluRay

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 17:50
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
To play the disk in VLC, you must decide which side you are playing.

Moreover, those combo usually have 2 disks or 2 different tracks.

Re: VLC 2.03 crashes playing BluRay

Posted: 01 Oct 2012 19:26
by josephrot
To play the disk in VLC, you must decide which side you are playing.

Moreover, those combo usually have 2 disks or 2 different tracks.
Understood, and we realize this.

However, most all new AND experienced users should NOT see VLC suddenly crash if one or both the two above points you mention occur in a VLC session.

Why should we see VLC crash ? There should be some reasonable code safety net to catch the crash about to happen, and be cleanly handled as an error message to the user, followed by a return to the menu in VLC, INSTEAD of a crash.


Re: VLC 2.03 crashes playing BluRay

Posted: 02 Oct 2012 11:39
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You still have not answered if you played the DVD or the BluRay...

Re: VLC 2.03 crashes playing BluRay

Posted: 02 Oct 2012 17:20
by josephrot
You still have not answered if you played the DVD or the BluRay...
Best we can figure is that VLC as of 2.03 refuses to "see" that the DVD disc we tried playing has BOTH BluRay and standard DVD content on same disc.

So, to answer your question:

VLC 2.03 crashes every time we try to access or play the disc in question. The disc in question apparently has BOTH BluRay and DVD content onb it.

That is to say, that as of VLC 2.03, we see no option to locate other info on the DVD, as VLC 2.03 design makes it UN-intuitive in that regard.


Microsoft Media Player 11 DOES play the BluRay + DVD disc just fine. At no time did we have to sop and turn the DVD over to make Microsoft Media Player 11 do the proper job.

So far, this tells us that internally, MS Media Player must be "seeing" both content types, and is somehow correctly selecting the DVD content for the user, being that the CD/DVD player/recorder can not play BluRay at this time.

VLC 2.03 is hopefully going to to be eventually able to do the same thing, or at the least NOT crash out, leaving the end-user hanging as to what happened, and why it happened.

Hope this helps.
