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RTSP Server VLC client Service

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 11:23
by no.Oby
Hello everyone.
I writing my own rtsp server, I use x264vfw encoder, get samples by sample grabber and trying to play stream with vlc player.
I found vlc behavior really strange, some questions here. I am using single nal unit pockets, i tried use fu-A payload type for rtp, but vlc correct shows only first part(upper frame part) of frame, any advise?
VLC begin playing(write stream name, and set currect window size) but show black screen. If i disable video track and then enable track vlc show last frame, log of that sequence here:vlc-log.
Thanks a lot for any advise.

Re: RTSP Server VLC client Service

Posted: 20 Sep 2012 15:12
by no.Oby
Another question if vlc show green video with black "stripes" and partially true contours, whats my going wrong?

Re: RTSP Server VLC client Service

Posted: 20 Sep 2012 16:38
by no.Oby
Simple question someone can describe how i must slpit frames in format FU_A?) had a lot of errors slice type is too large...