Transcoding and Scaling

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Transcoding and Scaling

Postby hp4 » 27 Aug 2012 14:42

I'm trying to convert HD-videos from my Smartphone to a smaller size. After scanning lots of vlc-documentation (most of which regards itself as outdated?) and experimenting a lot with shell-quotations (e.g. parameters like mux seem to require quoted values), I eventually figured out a command line, which runs without error messages.

cvlc //media/COMMON/galaxy/20120825_104131.mp4 --sout "#transcode{width=180}:std{mux=\"mp4\";access=\"file\";dst=\"newfile.mp4\"}"

But the result seems to be a simple copy: the transcoded file has the same size and width/height-parameters as the original file. No hint and no warning that the parameter width has been ignored, I tried the same with scale=0.25 with and without quotation , but also without any success.

Any suggestion what might be wrong with this simple transcoding request ?

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