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Storing video from IP cam to file

Posted: 27 Aug 2012 12:27
by tikskit

I'm trying to record video from IP camera and store it to a file. I use Delphi 6 and import Active X control from VLC version 2.0.2.

Code: Select all

p: TVLCPlugin2; **** procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var oo: WideString; begin p.playlist.clear; oo := ':sout=#duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst="d:\video.asf"}}'; p.playlist.add( 'http://...', // MRI 'Cam', oo );; end;
It plays video, but doesn't store to file.

what do I do wrong?

P.s. I've done search and found several similar topics but nothing helps me.