Double video - Deinterlace or Crop
Posted: 13 Aug 2012 09:15
I need a solution for a stream input:
I use VLC to receive video from a Bosch VIP X2 Video Encoder.
This device can work with 3 different streams: JPEG Stream, MJPEG4 SH++ and H.264 (that is from documentation, but seems that only MJPEG4 works)
The problem is that the image is coming doubled and I have no idea why...
I've tried to fix it with "deinterlace", but none of them worked. Also there is no "crop" option that can split the image in half and display the first or the second slice
Is there a filter or another crop option that can solve this? (from command-line or Gui)
VLC is stared from a GUI application using command-line:
VLC Debug messages:
Please look at the flying bird. This seems to be a deinterlace issue.
I need a solution for a stream input:
I use VLC to receive video from a Bosch VIP X2 Video Encoder.
This device can work with 3 different streams: JPEG Stream, MJPEG4 SH++ and H.264 (that is from documentation, but seems that only MJPEG4 works)
The problem is that the image is coming doubled and I have no idea why...
I've tried to fix it with "deinterlace", but none of them worked. Also there is no "crop" option that can split the image in half and display the first or the second slice
Is there a filter or another crop option that can solve this? (from command-line or Gui)
VLC is stared from a GUI application using command-line:
Code: Select all
vlc.exe rtsp:// --rtsp-tcp --no-audio --qt-minimal-view --no-video-title-show --no-qt-recentplay --no-qt-bgcone --meta-title="DVR LocationX - Cam1 - (Live Stream MJPEG)"
inst=1 (stream 1)
line=1 (camera 1)
h26x=3 ('0' = JPEG Stream, '3' = MJPEG4 SH++, '4' = H.264)
Please look at the flying bird. This seems to be a deinterlace issue.