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Telnet Interface

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 21:59
by crestronfreak55
Hi Folks,

I am working on a Remote control system for VLC using the Telnet interface. The remote control system is not PC-based. Adding and queuing files and the transport functions are no problem so far. The problem is the playlist, especially when the playlist gets large my parsing algorithm sometimes lacks of reliability. The "playlist" command sends the whole playlist, I would prefer commands to get the items step by step, e.g.
playlist_size: amount of items in the playlist
playlist_index[x] index of item x (number used for the "goto" command)
playlist_item [x] title of item x.

Is there a chance to get this done or a workaround for these functions?

Thanks in advance


Re: Telnet Interface

Posted: 06 Aug 2012 22:02
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
The RC interface protocol is unreliable and under-specified.

For IP remote control, the HTTP interface is generally better suited.

Re: Telnet Interface

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 18:49
by crestronfreak55
Thank you very much, this helped me indeed, the XML interface is easy to parse.

Nevertheless I have 2 issues:

Major issue:
The /requests/playlist.xml reports the playlist and marks the currently playing file with current="current".
If a file is in the playlist more than one time and this file is played, all the playlist items of this file are marked as current="current". Seems like the algorithm is searching for the filename instead of the id, which is unique.
In the /requests/status.xml a lot of information is presented but the id of the currently played item lacks, should be added.

Minor issue:
If status is paused and pl_play command is issued the player will continue playing but the status will still be reported as paused instead of playing. Not a big deal, but should be fixed.

Thanks for the great work and the support


Re: Telnet Interface

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 20:23
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
You're welcome to file documented bugs, but this is not the right place.