I've searched out all corners of the interwebs for this. From LJ to this forum, I've even looked at how-to pages. But to no avail.
So I am auto capping a DVD. I have all the setting correct, it is capping. However, 1-2 out of 2-3 images are saved with no data. They are just empty image files. I am missing tons and tons of bits of the show because of that.
My settings have gone through a ton of variances, but this problem remains.
I go into the player [preferences->show settings = all->video->output modules->scene filter] image format is png, ratio has been regular, 1080x720, and 1440x960, file name prefix is just scene, and the directory just takes it to my pictures folder. My recording ratio has been 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 but nothing has changed about the failure to get a lot of images.
Anyone have any clue how to fix this? The only person that I saw with the problem never mentioned how to fix it. Just that they had, and they hadn't posted anything in two years or I would've asked them.
Thanks so much for any help!
I unchecked frame dropping and frame skipping, and it's working better. But it's still like 1-2 of every 4-5 frames are just 0kb png file.