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Looking for newest subversion for 1.x

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 19:47
by SarasotaSlim
I was looking for the latest sub-versions, for the 1.x generation of VLC.

So, I found my way to:

and I see v1.1.9 as the latest available there.

But, wasn't there a v1.1.11 that got released for Windows-OSes? :?:

[Or, was 1.1.9 the most-solid/most-recommended release for Luggage?]

{Chat in the Veetle-community claims that Luggage is still preferred over TwoFlower, for External-VLC broadcasting to Veetle.]


Re: Looking for newest subversion for 1.x

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 00:14
by kdean
You can find 1.1.11 for Windows on the very listing you linked to.

You'll find them closer to 1.1.1 because the sorting doesn't recognize 10 as coming after 9.

Re: Looking for newest subversion for 1.x

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 05:16
by SarasotaSlim
Yes, now I see the 1.1.11 that I was looking for.
