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How to Get "Bink Video" (.bik) Format support?

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 17:35
by StreetCracker
(I am not sure this is the right category/sub forum. Is it this or "Development around libVLC"? Or was I right the first time with "VLC media player Feature Requests" where no one has answered?)

I don't know how complicated it is to get .bik-support in VLC Media Player.

I tried looking at these pages, but I don't understand how to get like a "library" for format support into my VLC installation: ->

(FFmpeg with the libavformat library sounds like what I want to include in the VLC Media Player program...)

The thing I want to do right now is to use VLC to convert .bik format files to something else like .mp4 or .avi or whatever.

I noted this post: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=72122&hilit=.bik. Seems no one cares much for this matter, eh?..
Is it really that complex to incorporate that "Libav" thing into the VLC player?
With "providing samples", is it meant like files from PC Games you happen to have in your possession?

Re: How to Get "Bink Video" (.bik) Format support?

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 16:58
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
So far, VLC does not support Bink.

Re: How to Get "Bink Video" (.bik) Format support?

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 11:54
by StreetCracker
THAT explains a whole lot!
Really, I had no idea.

Thanks for all the oh so satisfying clarification man, that's absolutely ALL I inquired about...

Re: How to Get "Bink Video" (.bik) Format support?

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 14:46
by bat999
The .bik files work OK with mPlayer/MEncoder and w32codecs.
So maybe VLC will support Bink if/when "--codec dmo" is fixed to allow this.
The .bik files will also play and convert with FFplay/FFmpeg.
So it probably won't be necessary to use the external codecs with VLC.

Re: How to Get "Bink Video" (.bik) Format support?

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 18:56
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
No, someone just has to do the code to integrate it.

Re: How to Get "Bink Video" (.bik) Format support?

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 17:20
by StreetCracker
Seems to me that "FFmpeg with the libavformat library" thing would be right up "VLC Media Player"'s alley, like it would be a pretty standard component of the "VLC" player program. I'm surprised no one has added/incorporated it into VLC yet.
I mean it would obviously be awesome to have all those format supports (play & convert from ".swf", ".bik", etc.)!
