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No display on VLC pocket PC player
Posted: 27 Jun 2005 10:07
by Sharath
I used the pocketPC 2003 version of VLC and also the winCE version of VLC, but can hear only the audio, but no video display happens. Is there any codec or any problem that needs to be dealt with?
I am using a Dell AXIM pocket PC and winXP.
Please help
Posted: 12 Sep 2005 15:08
by Morph
I have the samen problem (also the same type of PDA (Dell Axim)). Help please!
Posted: 12 Sep 2005 21:01
by DanBrwn
I have gotten VLC to stream to a pocket PC 2003 using the Pocket PC version. It seems that the only codec supported on this build is WMV1 and WMV2. You must transcode to one of these two codecs for your video. I want to compile a version with MJPeg but haven't gotten that far yet. I think the compile uses static libs so you can't just copy a dll over to the plugins directory. Anyway, good luck. Dan
Posted: 12 Sep 2005 21:02
by DanBrwn
I have gotten VLC to stream to a pocket PC 2003 using the Pocket PC version. It seems that the only codec supported on this build is WMV1 and WMV2. You must transcode to one of these two codecs for your video. I want to compile a version with MJPeg but haven't gotten that far yet. I think the compile uses static libs so you can't just copy a dll over to the plugins directory. Anyway, good luck. Dan