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Noob question - How to adjust subtitles?

Posted: 30 May 2012 06:52
by Vaethin
Hi guys,
I've been experimenting with the subtitles a bit, but I just can't seem to get them to work.

Let's say I have subtitles that are off by x seconds and also the subtitles are for higher FPS than my video is (only a small difference, let's say subtitles are 25fps, video is ~24fps)
My questions:
  • If the video has some additional into screen and thus the subtitles come to early by X seconds, do I have to enter +x seconds or -x seconds in the Synch-Options
  • How to adjust the fps? The standard value for Subtitles-Speed is 1,000fps. Since it's fps I thought I would have to enter 25fps (because my subtitles have been written for 25fps), but the fact that the standard value is exactly 1 makes me think, that the speed value is actually a factor and not an absolute value, ... what do I have to enter ??
Sorry for the nooby questions, hope someone is willing to help me here.

Re: Noob question - How to adjust subtitles?

Posted: 30 May 2012 09:18
by Lotesdelere
You can use the "h" and "g" hotkeys to adjust the subtitles sync.
You can not adjust the FPS, you can only speed up or slow down the playback but this will have effect on all of the streams. Your best bet is to find a dedicated subtitles editor program which will allow you to change the timestamps of the subtitles.