Random Video Start Time in XSPF Playlist?

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Random Video Start Time in XSPF Playlist?

Postby 12padams » 27 May 2012 03:10

The following code lets the video start playing at 30 seconds... but what about setting that to a random number between two values?

Code: Select all

<track> <location>file:///D:/massive%20archive/2012/May/23rd/33%20month%20old%20Jasmine%20brings%20home%20a%20buzz%20lightning%20toy%20from%20the%20park.MP4</location> <duration>139450</duration> <extension application="http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/0"> <vlc:id>0</vlc:id> <vlc:option>start-time=30</vlc:option> </extension> </track>
I am thinking something like rand(30,500) as in a random number between those values. If you wanna help me further please tell me how I can make that something like the following...

<vlc:option>start-time=rand(0, videoduration - 30)</vlc:option>

I know that codes not real but is there anything similar to that I could use?

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