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Synchronize multiple vlc players

Posted: 09 May 2012 10:05
by zozizozu
I'm trying to synchronize multiple vlc players that are reading different streams :
I have one vlm broadcaster that generate multiple http streams, then many players that are reading it.
The goal is that all players read the frame N at the same time.

I've search about this but vlc+synchro gives a lot of results, and i did not found any interesting things ( except CAVE-MPlayer : , but i'm using vlc because i need this to work on linux + mac + windows )

On the broadcaster side, i'm considering streams are synchronized ( i plan to run a telnet thread that will check streams position and seek some ms if needed ).

So, i've first try to start players using "vlc http://host:port/SomeBackground --input-slave=http://host:port/TheStreamIwant --extraintf=netsync --netsync-master " but it does not make the trick.

I also think about using the mosaic module, making a single stream with all i need, then players can all read the same stream ( cropping the image ), and use the netsync module. It should work but i need some big definition for each players, if i have 20 streams that are 1920/1080 , that's a so big size to stream ...

Now i don't know what or where to search, as you see, any advise, suggestions or ideas are very welcome.

Thanks for your time

Re: Synchronize multiple vlc players

Posted: 14 May 2012 11:47
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
netsync will work only with the same movie on the different machines.