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Setting up VLC 2.0.1 to my PS3? How?

Posted: 01 May 2012 18:39
by houstontx224
I tired to Google it but, one video I found didnt have the same options as the version I have. I'm looking to sync VLC up with my PS3. I'm a noob to this so, is there a tutorial for setting up VLC player 2.0.1 to a Playstation 3? Thanks.


Re: Setting up VLC 2.0.1 to my PS3? How?

Posted: 03 May 2012 03:14
by Grothaal
I am also looking after this info, if theres any way to make VLC act as a media server, something like what PS3 media server does.

Re: Setting up VLC 2.0.1 to my PS3? How?

Posted: 03 May 2012 09:46
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
If you mean DLNA, then not currently.

Re: Setting up VLC 2.0.1 to my PS3? How?

Posted: 05 May 2012 00:53
by houstontx224
I thought I saw on like Youtube where people set it up and are watching the VLC player through the PS3. I just need to know how to set it up.:(

Re: Setting up VLC 2.0.1 to my PS3? How?

Posted: 05 May 2012 23:53
by HyDr1zzL3
i really need help on this one guy's should i just uninstall my updated version of VLC and go back to an earlier version? I've seen tutorials on how to steam to PS3 from VLC but only on older version not the 2.0.1 updated version... I do have an HDMI port on my PC but i'm looking for another way to play my HD movies to my 42" LCD TV without having to buy one of those Wireless WiDi devices... that's 100$ i really don't want to spend unless absolutely necessary.. I'm also sort of newbish at this but id appreciate any help that could be given... E-Mail me if you can help P L E A S E.