Exporting time-stamped JPEGS

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Exporting time-stamped JPEGS

Postby nicobar » 29 Apr 2012 19:40


I have this problem: during my trips I shoot a combination of JPEG's and MP4 video's with my GoPro, that write time stamps in the EXIF of both (time and date when picture or video was taken). Often I want to exctract more pictures from the videos and integrate them chronologically with the other JPEG's. VLC would work great for that, despite the fact that the resulting JPEG's are not time-stamped (there is no date/time in the EXIF). This is a major problem if I want to sort them chronologically with the other JPEG's that I shot directly, with the goal of geotag them all together cross-referencing them with a GPX file from my GPS.

Can VLC MediaPlayer export frames with EXIF informatino in them?

1) best possible solution would be: VLC read the EXIF "modified date" in the MP4, and when it exports the JPEG embeds in them an EXIF date/time that is the time at the beginning of the movie + the relative position within the video. Example: MP4 has 3:10:00pm in the exif (time the recording started; I export a JPEG 10s from the beginning of the video --> the JPEG EXIF should have 3:10:10pm.

2) alternate solution: if VLC cannot write the EXIF of the exported frames, could I at least embed in the JPEG file name a sequential number in second from the beginning of the video? Then I figure I could play around with some ExifTool or batch to read the relative position form the file name, add the offset of the bginning of the video and write the correct EXIF in the exported JPEG's.

Please help, if anybody can come up with some solution or has other software to suggest that can write EXIF of the exported JPEG's.


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Exporting time-stamped JPEGS

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 30 Apr 2012 00:35

VLC cannot write EXIF data.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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