Beta release: VLC 0.8.0-test1

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.
Big Cone-huna
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Back to memory leak...

Postby markfm » 06 Sep 2004 22:23

I rebooted my PC, just to make sure life is good.
Running my standard test video, a 3:56 MPEG, about 44MB.
Transcoding, UDP multicast, default mp4v, mpga.
Initial state is 241 MB RAM used (384 physical available), 2% CPU. VLC taking up 7508K memory, 4688K of virtual memory.
Start the transcode...
VLC RAM use did a slow but steady increase to 41 MB, and 82 MB of virtual memory.
Shut VLC all the way down, restart it. Nothing else on my PC changed. VLC RAM use steady during the replay, about 22.5 MB, 30.0 MB virtual memory.
Shut VLC down. Restart it.
About 23.5 MB RAM, 30.5 MB VM (I had messed up started a straight play, shut that down and started the transcode stream -- for some reason there was a 900KB leak compared to the previous time I ran VLC, 23.5 vs. 22.5)

I'm not getting warnings/errors in the messages, VLC is just acting weirdly, inconsistently. I'm quite comfortable that I don't have viruses, have beaucoup CPU to spare, not too many things running (all I have running are a couple of browser windows and e-mail). That VLC did the memory creep on first launch after a reboot is the spookiest thing to me -- no chance of any internal residual gludge, and it was reasonably well behaved running precisely the same thing two more times (almost, not perfect, since I did get that 1 MB residual leak the last time I ran it).
Last edited by markfm on 06 Sep 2004 22:28, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Still no sound & crash

Postby Guest » 06 Sep 2004 22:28

Dual G5 1.8 GHz: DVD or VIDEO_TS folder will open but no sound. Audio menu is set to digital output every time. When I change to "stereo PCM", the program crashes and the sound is broken on the hole system. I have to reboot :((

:lol: I've got the answer !
Excuse me. My english will not be as good as your's.

1 - Reboot your Computer
2 - Start up VLC program
3 - On the bottom left check the "Advanced" option
4 - Go to VLC preferences/Modules/audio output/coreaudio
5 - Write "1" instead of "0"
6 - Save
7 - Quit & re-open VLC prog

Now you should be abble to play your favourite films without crashing !
Good luck :wink:


Re: Still no sound & crash

Postby Guest » 07 Sep 2004 08:40

Dual G5 1.8 GHz: DVD or VIDEO_TS folder will open but no sound. Audio menu is set to digital output every time. When I change to "stereo PCM", the program crashes and the sound is broken on the hole system. I have to reboot :((

:lol: I've got the answer !
Excuse me. My english will not be as good as your's.

1 - Reboot your Computer
2 - Start up VLC program
3 - On the bottom left check the "Advanced" option
4 - Go to VLC preferences/Modules/audio output/coreaudio
5 - Write "1" instead of "0"
6 - Save
7 - Quit & re-open VLC prog

Now you should be abble to play your favourite films without crashing !
Good luck :wink:

Please NOTE :
On line 5 that when you get in for the first time, it is set to "-1". Change it to "1".
You do not need to check "Advanced" option (line 3)



Postby rich » 08 Sep 2004 08:21

Before I make a comment about jittery audio in this new version, can I just make sure I have my facts right!!.....Can someone please clarify what audio filter I should be using, to pass the AC3 audio stream (contained in a MPEG Transport stream), out through my optical connector to my AMP?

I would hate to make a complaint, only to find out I am being a complete dumb arse and not using the right filter!

Win XP+3.2G P4+1G RAM


UDP issue?

Postby Kuba » 08 Sep 2004 10:30

The scenario:
Video source is a vid file or live capture on Comp1 (WinXP, P4 3.2GHz, Gig RAM). Video capture, if used, is done by a USB capture card, but this is not relevant as this works. Video file can be in any of the VLC supported formats.
say: vlc 25fps.avi :sout=#transcode{vcodec=WMV2,vb=256,scale=1}:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,url=}}

Hop 1 destination is Comp2 (Win Serv 2003, P4 3.0GHz, Gig RAM). Reason for this, Comp1 and Comp2 need to use UDP as the pipe between them is bandwidth rich, but latency poor hence using TCP/IP there would cause delay, and TCP doesn't really buy me anything as I don't care if I loose a few frames here and there.
So: vlc udp://@:10000 :sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,url=:8080}}

Final Video destination (Comp3) is using Windows XP with Win Media Player 9, connecting to mms://Comp2:8080

This works great BUT…

There are a few issues:
1. With version 0.8.0.test1, config file seems to override the command or other settings for the incoming UDP, so if you want anything other than the default 1234 you need to set it in the config not just in the setup or command line.
# Server port (integer)
2. With both the 0.7.2 and 0.8.0.test, if VLC on Comp1 is closed and then restarted, or the video is stopped and played or the video loops or any type of event where the original video is no longer available but a new one is put in place, Comp2 no longer streams the output properly. With version 0.7.2, if local display is on Comp2 is on, this display will pick up the new video however neither version keeps streaming (I assume) but the net result is that playback on Comp3 stops and can not be resumed (Just stays in the Buffering state forever). No video stream can be retrieved even if the Media Player 9 is restarted on Comp3. Normal functionality resumes after VLC on Comp2 is restarted.

Hope this is useful to someone; I just needed to share this problem before it drove me mad.


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Crashes Mac OSX playing Matroska files

Postby LJS » 08 Sep 2004 16:16

I tried the new 0.8-test and played a Matroska encoded video I have (.MKV file). The sound system stopped working and I lost all sound. Then trying to resize the window, My screen went black and I had to hit the power switch on my Mac, since nothing I did caused a reaction from my Mac. Even the "caps lock" key was not working. My system crashed. This also happened some weeks ago when I tried a nighty build.

PowerMac G5, 2.0 GHz Dual Proc. 1 GB Ram. Cinema HD 23'' Display at 1920x1200. 103GB HDD space free.


Postby HeC » 08 Sep 2004 17:47

vlc 0.8 slows my mouse badly(when it runs).
mx510 newest driver.

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 08 Sep 2004 20:25

vlc 0.8 slows my mouse badly(when it runs).
mx510 newest driver.
please people reports like the above one are just useless.

It's like calling your car machanic and telling him: "My car is broken" and then expecting he will magically know of the top of his head what is wrong with the car. We are not psychics
Last edited by The DJ on 08 Sep 2004 20:27, edited 1 time in total.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

The DJ
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Re: Crashes Mac OSX playing Matroska files

Postby The DJ » 08 Sep 2004 20:26

I tried the new 0.8-test and played a Matroska encoded video I have (.MKV file). The sound system stopped working and I lost all sound. Then trying to resize the window, My screen went black and I had to hit the power switch on my Mac, since nothing I did caused a reaction from my Mac. Even the "caps lock" key was not working. My system crashed. This also happened some weeks ago when I tried a nighty build.

PowerMac G5, 2.0 GHz Dual Proc. 1 GB Ram. Cinema HD 23'' Display at 1920x1200. 103GB HDD space free.
You have a G5. If you had searched the forum, you would have noticed that Multichannel Audio has never worked on a G5 and still doesn't.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

Big Cone-huna
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Postby markfm » 09 Sep 2004 02:55

Looks like the transcode memory leak has gone away (post test1 fix) -- thanks for the update, Gibalou!


Postby JohnQ » 09 Sep 2004 10:29

vlc 0.8 slows my mouse badly(when it runs).
mx510 newest driver.
I second that.
It only occurs when vlc has the focus. I have a mx310.

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 09 Sep 2004 11:00

Not paying attention very much are we JohnQ?

And it quite likely is a Logitech driver bug. The only thing i can think of is that it happens because VLC polls the mouse very regular to find the current position (for DVD menus and mouse gestures for instance). If the driver cannot handle it, then it is broken, because it works everywhere else....
Don't use PMs for support questions.


Postby JohnQ » 09 Sep 2004 23:00

Not paying attention very much are we JohnQ?
Sorry about that.

System: NVidia nForce2 Ultra 400, AMD AthlonXP 2600+, 512MB DDR RAM, NVidia GF4 Ti4200 64MB RAM
OS: Windows XP Prof with SP2
Mouse: Logitech MX310 Optical with Logitech MouseWare Version 9.80
Vlc: vlc-0.8.0-test1-win32

Vlc version 0.7.2 and older versions are running fine. No problems with any other application on my system. It seems like vlc disables the mouse acceleration. It also happens as soon as vlc is loaded and has the focus, no files and no additionally interfaces were loaded.

New Cone
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Postby vokiel » 10 Sep 2004 08:48

Matroska & VLC 0.8.0-test1 ( Current build 8678 )

MKV files cause intermittent crashes on Mac OSX 10.3.5 ( PowerBook G4 )

"mkv: cannot load tags (broken seekhead or file)"

Previous builds did not suffer from this message that much. Now VLC sometimes crashes and sometimes allow you to stop the file. After stopping it once, if you play it again it works just fine.

Can anyone confirm this?

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VLC 080 test1 Mac OS 10.3.5 Errors

Postby RedOrchard » 11 Sep 2004 04:45


Here is some feedback on VLC 080.
I'm using a:

Apple iBook 800mhz
9.6 GB of free hard disk
640 Ram
OS 10.3.5

Problem 1- Green Line
1) When using VLC 08.0T1 there is a neon green border on the bottom, right side, and just a hint of a line on the left. There is no line on top.
It's much easier to see in full screen mode. VLC 072 does not do this.
2) When Playing a DivX File the green line surrounds all sides.

The geen is brighter than what the pic shows, it really is neon green.

Problem 2- Player looses picture
When Playing a DVD
1) I hit command F
2) I hit command F again to get out of full screen mode and the audio continues but the video is totally black.
3) Hitting command F a couple times brings the picture back.
4) DivX files work fine.

Problem 3-Stuttering
1) when watching a DVD there is momentary stutter, less than 1/2 sec
2) VLC 07.2 does not stutter.
3) DivX files don't stutter.

Problem 4 DVD Menus
1) When watching Babylon 5 DVDs VLC skipped right to the movie and I didn't see the menus.
2) Matrix DVD worked perfect.

Let me know if you need more info. =)

Blank Cone
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Postby ilcomi » 11 Sep 2004 09:50

This command unde linux VLC 0.7.2 works fine under VLC 0.8 send only the multicast stream, can someone help me or is a bug under VLC 0.8?
vlc file:LOTR-CD3.avi --sout '#duplicate{dst=standard{access=udp,mux=ts,url=},dst=standard{access=udp,mux=ts,url=}}'



Postby Pix » 13 Sep 2004 16:07

Problem with DirectShow input

I use VLC to see though a Dazzle DVC 80 Usb capture module. Using the test1 version, i have some 'flashes' every second, with something that looks like inverted pictures. I don't have this issue with 0.7.2 (too bad, i enjoy looking tv on the background of my windows :)

Big Cone-huna
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Postby Gibalou » 13 Sep 2004 22:42

ilcomi: the "duplicate" module is broken in VLC-0.8.0-test1... it has just been fixed.

Pix: this should be solved in the nighly builds:

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Postby dazed&confused » 16 Sep 2004 00:11

thanx so much for the vbrick support :) I was wondering however if anyone can tell me what is funny about vbrick mpeg-2. I have some files recorded on a vbrick VBstar, play fine in vlc (including version 0.7) but wont play in quicktime (with the mpeg-2 playback codec installed). Many thanks

Blank Cone
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Postby MikeBell » 17 Sep 2004 08:26

Serious problems with OGM files. I cannot get video to show up.
OS: Mac OS X 10.3.5 PB G4



Postby guest » 17 Sep 2004 10:46

Is there an Javascript reference for the new 0.8 mozilla plugin?
Great work! 8)

Blank Cone
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Re: Beta release: VLC 0.8.0-test1

Postby eweri » 17 Sep 2004 13:02

Bug: MPEG-TS - (vdr recordings) have no audio!
Clitch: It takes very long to quit VLC.

Tested with MacOS X 10.3.5, PB G4/1GHz connected via 811.?g to a linux-box that shares the vdr-recordings via Samba.
and with MacOS X 10.3.5 Cube G4/450MHz connected via 811.?b to the same linux-box.

As tells me MPEG-TS should work now. It is a lot better since 0.7.2 before that I was not able to watch the video, but 0.8.0-test1 has no audio. (At least on my system)
You can use QuickTime Player or .... wait ... use VLC - it works better :-)

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Postby Gibalou » 17 Sep 2004 23:40

Could you upload a test sample in and tell us the file name when you're done ?


Postby Zonkmaster » 19 Sep 2004 12:48

I know this problem was posted earlier. I have logitech mouse too. But its not the driver, which makes the problem. I think its because of the new Interface and Video System. I have that problem too with other programs wich use graphical effects in windows (UnrealED) . Is there a way to avoid that?

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Postby zorglub » 19 Sep 2004 15:29

Is there an Javascript reference for the new 0.8 mozilla plugin?
Great work!
Not yet, the doc has not yet been updated with 0.8 features.
Clément Stenac

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