If a video with size that doesn't match the screen size is played in full screen, then I will see black areas above and below it. If the player does not create these areas, please explain to me what does create them.The player does NOT create the black borders! A cropped video has no black borders they have been removed.
Please tell me, how do other players (like BSplayer) do the trick? Did you try BSplayer with the functions I've discussed? As I wrote I've used that player for years, but there has never been any problem with subtitles in black space.You can't place subs in a video area that's not there or at least not reliably.
As far as I know the most common text based format are .srt substitles.Which of the 9 some odd formats would you like to try?
It will. I built a computer with 16:10 monitor for my friend, so I know it. Btw. this is a real screenshot from ffdshow set to 16:10 AR. If you ever came to Czech Republic I can show you it1. on a 16x10 monitor it wouldn't look like that.
What do you think a commandline option in MPlayer -vf expand=720:::1:4/3 is good for? Letterboxing? Right!2. MPlayer, VirtualDub, Avisynth does NOT support subtitles that are out of or off the video area. MPC and vsfilter make an attempt that leaves one line of text in the video area and one line of text out of the video area in two lines of text and the player is resized according to the new dimensions with no options for movable subs. This answer is not satisfactory. Nor will it satisfy people that own a 16x10 monitor that want the video to take up the whole height and there is not enough room to display any text that would be readable in the remaining area.
Code: Select all
AviSource("Forrest Gump CD2.avi")
Subtitle("Here is a text",x=220,y=320,first_frame=100,last_frame=1000,size=40)
Subtitle("Here is a second line",x=160,y=360,first_frame=100,last_frame=1000,size=40)
As I just said, you don't have to put subtitles where there is no video. Just expand the video before drawing subtitles. And no, the subtitles won't be cropped. Do you see any cropped subtitles on my 16:10 screenshots?3. The newer standards for HD video are 1.78:1 and for 16x9 enhanced it's 2.37:1 the latter standard, I'm finding to be quite annoying on some 16x10 TVs as the people are NOT the right size. But setting this aside, in general, YOU CAN'T PUT SUBS WHERE THERE IS NO VIDEO!!!!!! If you want to pad out and create borders that's fine but on a 16x10 monitor the subs will be cut off.
Strange that some standalone players can move them. I know that the position is a part of the subtitle stream, but who forces you to obey it?4. SUB formats the have or take control are unmovable. The positional information is a part of the format. These formats are Sub Station Alpha, Vobsub, DVD and DVB.
5. There is no push for this change by the VLC team as this topic has come around before. If you wait for this feature will probably be a very long time. If you must have this feature, the source code is available. Just download it and dig in.
This statement is now very clear indeed. However as jech wrote...But setting this aside, in general, YOU CAN'T PUT SUBS WHERE THERE IS NO VIDEO!!!!!!
... other player apparently use some sort of feature to create additional video areas. Like jech I am not a programmer (at least not on a regular basis), however I can help with ideas. I can imagine that it wouldn't be that difficult to create a black colored video area which size matches the screen size and afterwards have an overlay with the actual video. In that case the subs could be placed anywhere on the screen.The other players do it just like explained it in my previous post. First they the black borders to match screen aspect ratio and so the black bars become part of the video. Then it is possible to place subtitles anywhere.
BSPlayer adds the borders in fullscreen only, while other players can do it even in windowed mode.
As I wrote before this is not the case when people can position the subs anywhere they want. In the option I describe above or in the option describe by jech the position of the subs would be up to the user to decide. So no cutting of...If you want to pad out and create borders that's fine but on a 16x10 monitor the subs will be cut off.
Why is there no push, especially if the topic has come around before. Apparently there are quite a few users who like to see this implemented. The argument that there is no push for change because the topic has come around before doesn't make sense to me.There is no push for this change by the VLC team as this topic has come around before.
It may be so, but he meant full screen. Your capture is a window.As I just said, you don't have to put subtitles where there is no video. Just expand the video before drawing subtitles. And no, the subtitles won't be cropped. Do you see any cropped subtitles on my 16:10 screenshots?3. The newer standards for HD video are 1.78:1 and for 16x9 enhanced it's 2.37:1 the latter standard, I'm finding to be quite annoying on some 16x10 TVs as the people are NOT the right size. But setting this aside, in general, YOU CAN'T PUT SUBS WHERE THERE IS NO VIDEO!!!!!! If you want to pad out and create borders that's fine but on a 16x10 monitor the subs will be cut off.
I cant help myself from asking the stupid question! Wal-Mart is in the process of closing out ALL 4x3 TVs. Sears has already done it. There are NO more manufactures of 4x3 TVs. Everything that is current 16x10. The prices are falling on all LCD and Plasma displays. For example a 42" Plasma TV during the Holidays was on average $1400.00 with 42" LCDs a bit less. Today that same TV are on average about $950.00 and will probably drop to to a low in September of about $500.00 before rebounding for the Holidays. In general the price of goods here has doubled in the past three years making this a $250.00 TV today to equal the buying power of 3 years ago. Given there is no longer a reason for the request being made here and everyone wants a nice new flat screen TV that lasts 7 to 10 years there is no longer a reason for the request. Right?
It seems that only the die hard hold outs that enjoy black borders and refuse to give up their 4x3 TVs will still want this feature. Given the amount of work to rewrite the program and the lack of manpower here it seems unlikely this feature will ever be a reality, unless someone contributes the changes and the VLC team agrees to use the changes.
The source code is available to everyone and updates, revisions, changes and / or patches are always welcomed here. This feature would need to be optional given the newer style TVs and this makes the issue a bit more difficult.
BTW I did knowingly talk about TVs and not computer monitors because most of the new TVs coming in can double as a computer monitor and most all of the new dedicated computer monitors are also 16x10.
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