audio probem: staying with one audio device format

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audio probem: staying with one audio device format

Postby jacksnodgrass » 21 Sep 2006 22:48

I use vlc to play HDTV recorded .mpeg files.
The HDTV shows usually have a 5.1 surround sound stream
that I select when watching the show. The commercials don't
usually have a 5.1 stream and vlc drops to 'stereo' mode
when a commerical is on. Usually, when the show starts
back and the 5.1 audio stream is availabe, vlc stays in
stero mode and I have to manually change back to 5.1 mode.

Is there a way to force it to go back to 5.1 mode or set up a
hotkey that I can press to automtically do
Audio -> Audio Device -> 5.1

Thanks - jack

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Postby DJ » 23 Sep 2006 20:43

Not that I'm aware of! There have been a few others mention having problems holding a 5.1 setting. You might try to catch one of the Devs on IRC or make a post in Feature Requests. Hopefully this could be included in the next revision.

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