VLC ActiveX crash

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VLC ActiveX crash

Postby staffan » 15 Jun 2006 16:46

We're using the vlc activex component in a web tv application. We have included the activex component in a popup window in order to display tv programs. The problem is that activex component starts to crash in Internet Explorer after the user has opened and closed the popup window a couple of times. The component always works fine the first time but there seem to some kind of problem when the component should be unloaded. We have verified the problem on multiple windows and internet explorer installations. Has anyone else experienced similar problems?


Postby osingla » 24 Jun 2006 02:39

Same issue with me. In my web application, I use 6 instances of the vlc activeX control (RTP video streaming). I can't have things working in a reliable way. When I left the page and reload the page, there are big chances that the vlc dll will cause IE to crash. At this point, I would say that is not usable, and I will need to switch to another solution.

Is there a work around ?


vlc activex crashes if more than one used

Postby ks2 » 27 Jun 2006 14:38

i have the same problem.
if i ise 4 ore more instances in html or in an cpp project. the application or internet explorer crashes.

i hope anybody hase a solution vor this problem

Blank Cone
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Postby klsc » 27 Jun 2006 14:41

this is also my problem

at this time i have no idea

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activex plugin total crash of XP

Postby kbase » 10 Aug 2006 13:53

We also made now tests for a week with the vlc 0.8.5 final release and the activex plugin.

We have 7 players installed in the test network and switched 10 Streamsessions (muticast stream, mpeg2 with 3,3 Mbit) with every player over night. 4 of the players crashed totally (no more reachable over the network, no response to strg+alt+entf...). Only a reboot worked. No signs in the windows event manager at all on all 4 machines. The machines are all WINXP SP2 with all updates, newest Divx, Nvidia 6600GT PCIe with 128MB DDR3 cards with newest Nvidia driver 91.31.

We made this test with the deinterlaced option (linear) and without deinterlacing at all. Without deinterlacing it takes maybe a little more time till everything crashes, but this also crashes. The machines are all new modern P4 from dell (GX620) and 512MB Ram. The stream dies during the stream process not at the beginning or closing of the session. All computers start the sessions at the same time but they die at different times. I hoped the "no deinterlacing" would help, because someone in the forum wrote this as a solution for him with a vlc 7.0.4.

Whatever: since the computers crash totally there has to be a problem with the directdraw YUV output directly from the grafic card memory i guess.

It is really sad, because Vlc has definitely the best picture for this streaming i did, compared with streamplayer from vbrick. When it comes to multicast streaming embedded into a HTML page these two are the only solutions i guess.

Maybe sometime this problem is gone or there is a tipp regarding to parameter setting or what to do between the streaming sessions to avoid this, because the crash seems to appear after switching the 2nd or 3rd session, and never at the first.

Any Tipps ;-(

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Postby DJ » 10 Aug 2006 19:54

There have been a number of users reporting usage with nVidia cards running video in a loop mode doing the same thing. A few who are trying to send video to multiple displays etc. It seems that shutting down the "Clone" and "VMR" functions on the video card has resolved the issue.

Considering both these functions are closely associated with DirectX it may be smart to get the latest version of DirectX runtime 6/06. These updates are not automatic and the version does not change from 9c.

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Postby klsc » 11 Aug 2006 08:08

to kbase

you have tested the player only one on one pc. the problem that I have is multiple instances from the activex in one own aplication or webpage.

the compiled player for windows works good for me.

have no one an idea to solve the problem with more than 4 activex instances in one html or cpp?


then I must search an other solution

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vlc 0.8.5 and XP and NVIDIA without clone, with VMR

Postby kbase » 11 Aug 2006 13:26

to DJ

Thank you for your advice, I will test the most actual build of Directx.

cloned or mirrored desktop or expanded desktop feature of nvidia has never been active in the test.

May you explain where in the nvidia driver or even in vlc i can deactivate the vmr feature? In the nvidia control panel here i only find video-overlay Zoom funktion Vg and Vk to manipulate, but i cannot find a TURN Videooverlay ON/OFF function and i fear that if i have already the settings descriped here means that Video overlay is ON what means NO VMR, or am i wrong?

This would all in all mean that the nvidia driver installs by default with vmr off=overlay on and mirror off when you have only one display and so my test would already have taken place with the settings you suggest me to make.

Thx for support.

PS: the checkbox for VMR off does no longer exist on the Nvidia control panel. Thus i have downloaded nvtweak and as i thought, vmr was never active on the nvidia cards because its inactive (overlay on) as a default by nvidia.

So all in all there was no clone and no vmr in the multicast streaming i think. Do you have any other advice?

PS2: since there are not many control parameters in the activex plugin for the filters used in the streaming: how to tell the activex plugin to start with deinterlaced linear but without e.g. YUV to RGB hardware conversion and so on. Can i also control these parameters within the HTML code?

now my call is:

<script language="javascript">
// select audio track 5 (=6th, 1st is 0)
var options = new Array(":input-repeat", ":fullscreen", ":vout-filter=deinterlace", ":deinterlace-mode=linear" );
// document.vlc.fullscreen(); and deinterlace Mode
//multicast Target, Syntax:"upd:<ipadresse>:<portnummer>"
document.vlc.addTarget("udp:@X.X.X.X:8208",options,4+8,-666); // replace entry 0

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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paramters to activex control

Postby kbase » 12 Aug 2006 08:17

So my question: When i set the vlc.exe player with my own advanced settings (which are stored as i can see because they are always active when i start vlc player), are those settings also active when i start vlc in the HTML code via the activex plugin, or are these settings independent from the ones the player has started directly?

And if the settings for the activex plugin have to be set every time i call the plugin from within the HTML code i can not find any hint how to tell the PLUGIN to NOT use YUV conversion or NOT to use Directx, because by default it is used.

I know the commandline parameters for vlc and i know the activex paramters, but i can not tell if the preferences i set in vlc.exe are also valid for the PLUGIN or if the plugin always has its own settings and if this is the way it is: HOW to tell the plugin more detailed things like the use or NON use of directx, USE or NON use of overlay function, USE and NON use of YUV to RGB hardware conversion etc..

I would need this to make more detailed testing and find out who makes this thing crash.

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