Mosaic with additional audio channels VLC (3.0.21 Vetinari)

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Mosaic with additional audio channels VLC (3.0.21 Vetinari)

Postby itman0806 » 01 Nov 2024 19:26

Good afternoon and thanks for taking a moment to read this.

Currently I am testing a mosaic on windows, eventually this will run on Linux, and I am creating a mosaic of four streams then output it as a rtp multicast stream.. I have the mosaic working and I am about to select one video as an audio source.
I would like to take this up a level and let the end user select the audio source by utilizing additional audio tracks. Audio track 1 is video stream one, audio track 2 is video stream 2, that sort of thing.

Is this possible?

Thank you again for your time.

Below is the contents of my vlm file.

Code: Select all

new channel1 broadcast enabled setup channel1 input udp://@239.X.X.X:30120 setup channel1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=1,height=360,width=640},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=1},select=audio} new channel2 broadcast enabled setup channel2 input udp://@239.X.X.X:30120 setup channel2 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=2,height=360,width=640},select=video} new channel3 broadcast enabled setup channel3 input udp://@239.X.X.X:30120 setup channel3 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=3,height=360,width=640},select=video} new channel4 broadcast enabled setup channel4 input udp://@239.X.X.X:30120 setup channel4 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=4,height=360,width=640},select=video} new mosaic broadcast enabled setup mosaic input file:///D:\ProvingGrounds\VLCMosaic\files\TSbg-1280x720.png setup mosaic option image-duration=-1 setup mosaic option keep-aspect-ratio=enabled setup mosaic output #transcode{sfilter=mosaic,vcodec=mp4v,VB=20000,acodec=mpga,fps=15,channels=4,scale=1,width=1280,height=720,cols=2,rows=2,position=1,order="1,2,3,4",keep-picture=1}:bridge-in:{offset=100}:rtp{dst=239.X.X.X,port=30120,mux=ts,sap,name=Mosaic,ttl=10}

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