I need help with VLC player playing other open videos than the one i want

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New Cone
New Cone
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I need help with VLC player playing other open videos than the one i want

Postby Delembec » 06 Mar 2024 17:05

Hello! I don't know if this is a normal problem but I play videos with my band with VLC player on my laptop and I sometimes need to have multiple videos queued up and it seems like it drifts over to the other videos on its own and I wondered if this is a common problem and how to fix it? For example I have a completely different video I play for setbreak and in the middle of our set it starts playing it. I tried disabling the mouse, the touchpad, even tried a mouselock program and it still does it? Is there a key function that I can toggle between the open videos quickly? that way I might try no mouse at all? Thanks for any and all help! TC

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