Is it possible to use VLC as a DJ software? [trace]

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 25 Dec 2020 06:07

Is it possible to use VLC as a DJ software? [trace]

Postby player888 » 21 Oct 2023 17:54


Now, I am able to make VLC to play a list of tracks(playlist) via command line, VLC will play track by track but I want to start playing the next track before the current track finished or I mean i want to mix the two tracks (current track and next track) before current track done. Is it possible to do that like DJ software Mixxx using command line options, etc?

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VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
Operating System: Darwin
Location: Germany

Re: Is it possible to use VLC as a DJ software? [trace]

Postby fkuehne » 03 Nov 2023 13:43

No, VLC cannot blend playback of 2 files. We might be able to do a sort-off gapless playback (so there is no noticeable silence between 2 tracks) for version 4, but DJ software like cross-over is out-of-scope for now.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 25 Dec 2020 06:07

Re: Is it possible to use VLC as a DJ software? [trace]

Postby player888 » 28 Nov 2023 22:36

Thanks, that will also helps. Expecting version 4

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