Unable to stream from VLC to Web Browser.

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Unable to stream from VLC to Web Browser.

Postby juarlyn17 » 30 Oct 2022 05:15

Using windows 7
I am doing a broadcast on my local network and it works fine using VLC as a server and as an end user also VLC on some tablets. I have 5 tablets and I would like that transmission to be able to be played in the browser, for example Chrome, and not have to search for the streaming current in VLC of each tablet. I have a local web server with HTML5 player, but when I add http//: what happens is that a file is downloaded which is only supported by VLC. I have tried all the option combinations in VLC server and have not been able to get the streams to play within my local website. If Is nota possible I would like some tool recommendation to make production list of my mp4 videos and stream live to my web server.
Last edited by juarlyn17 on 30 Oct 2022 20:07, edited 1 time in total.

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