Ok did my best to cover my issue in a short subject
Challenge :
I have several camera's at my home, different brands / types most of them old and not updatable anymore but work all fine.
All stream perfectly to my VLC instances (running on Debian / Android tv stick / Rasbian / Windows and Ios) independently.
One of my camera's is not showing the play / run time, simply it does not progress and shows 00:00 all the time, most camera's do show the shown playtime as that starts when viewing the stream.
This results in having an issue when trying to create a playlist that cycles trough my camera's as this is depending the show time on the elapsed play/run time.
For example I use this on my windows client :
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --run-time=5 --loop --no-video-title rtsp:// rtsp:// rtsp://
For my Android I fixed this within a playlist
The --run-time command is depending on a video / stream having a working play / run time.
Both attempts give the same behaviour as described below:
The loop / cycle works with most of my camera's but as soon I have one of the "no play time" camera's in the playlist / loop the loop stops at that certain camera.
My best guess is this is due to the RTSP stream (probably an UDP stream vs the other cameras being TCP streams but I have not confirmed this).
Tried to change the settings on the "no play time" camera's but nothing helped an no updates will be (ever) available for these babies.
So anyone able to give me a tip ?
How to loop between streams on a fixed time not based on the playtime of a certain video / stream
How to get the "no play time" camera's to behave like the other camera's and show their playtime ?
Apologies if this has been covered before but I was not able to find anything on the Forum / Google