VLC on Samsung TV?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 27 Feb 2019 01:08

VLC on Samsung TV?

Postby N2TE » 09 Sep 2020 15:43

Do I understand correctly that VLC can NOT be installed and used on a Samsung Smart TV? I use it extensively (love it!) on my Sony TV and a friend of mine has asked me to install it on his Samsung TV so he can access media content on a home-network external PC shared-folder. But all the info that I can find on the internet SEEMS to tell me that VLC is NOT supported on the Samsung TV brand. Am I correct? (Boy I am glad that unbeknownst to me I bought a Sony instead of a Samsung.) From what I see on the Samsung TV there is no standalone media player available at all and VLC would be a welcomed and useful addition to the plethora of all those streaming $$$ app's. I'm just looking to place the final nail in the coffin for my search and give him the bad news.

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Re: VLC on Samsung TV?

Postby chubinou » 10 Sep 2020 09:20

VLC is available on TV that uses Android TV OS (your Sony TV probably) but not on other TV OS (you samsung TV uses probably tizen)

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