Xplatform: stream to file.[No cheese and a Dead Parrot!]

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Xplatform: stream to file.[No cheese and a Dead Parrot!]

Postby Vadar[] » 16 Jan 2006 04:52

Much searching reading puzzling & testing on this one. No luck on Mac OS X or win XP Pru... GUIs or *NIX cmd line.

I'd like to read a Network stream and put it it a file on disk - something that this (wonderful) App should be good at - God knows, it can PLAY just about anything... :)

Here's a link: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php? ... 6183821835 - "...You can now view and save RTSP streams (e.g. Apple's Keynotes) to your hard disk with VLC...". I also note the existence of a 'wizard' for doing this in the current versions. But they don't work for me - nor many others - in many circumstances.

I'd like to grab Job's 2006 Keynote. [macworld.apple.com.edgesuite.net/mw/ the stream being rtsp://a2047.v1413b.c1413.g.vq.akamaistream.net/5/2047/1413/2_h264_110/1a1a1ae656c632970267e04ebd3196c428970e7ce857b81c4aab1677e445aedc3fae1b4a7bafe013/mw_2006_3_110.mov
which is QT H264 and MP4 audio...] I've had 'Steps' in the process DO things .. - like play the MOV etc... but, ultimately, all attempts fail in diverse ways... runs for yonks & produces a 1k MOV hdr, ditto but produces zero .. jumps up and sets the cpu on fire etc etc etc...

I've RTFMd & cherchéd la fora .. I've Gooogled til I was GaGa-Plexed.

I am a Dead Parrot!

Help is needed please. - A definitive answer. I will collaborate with anyone who cares to assist - via broadband, VNC and similar... I'll even write a bl00dy 'how to' afterwards...

I've spent more time on this than Moses' Mob did in Bl00dy exile.

Mplayer is sposed to do ditto - but just navigating/reading the Docs there - or trying - gave me a severe headache ...[can tell you this , the FAQ *aren't* the FAQ by a LONG way! :) ]

Assist please ? [... wanders off, mubling incoherently ...]
Best wishes,

Brisbane, Oz. (see profile for contact details)

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Location: Brisbane, Oz,tvadar

for the benefit of others, some answers, suggestions:

Postby Vadar[] » 18 Jan 2006 18:10

I've had some great help/explanations here: viewtopic.php?t=16006&highlight=

apparently H264 can be a problem an Raw aint Raw :)
Other posts here: viewtopic.php?t=16006&highlight=

and at http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php? ... 0413302786

(Mac OS X but I'm sure it's relevant to all)
Best wishes,

Brisbane, Oz. (see profile for contact details)

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 17
Joined: 13 Jan 2006 22:36
Location: Brisbane, Oz,tvadar

One more approach: Rip MP3 and windows media streams ...

Postby Vadar[] » 18 Jan 2006 18:18

http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php? ... 9022205548

"Rip MP3 and windows media streams from the command line..."

It refers to non-VLC stuff like mplayer etc. but most of the suggestions are *also* cross Platform - an approach I - obviously - support).

Luck to all.
Best wishes,

Brisbane, Oz. (see profile for contact details)

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