So there is an .mka file, writing from a stream, which has size and length is not fixed. So it is a growing file. When i open with VLC it shows it's exact duration(or length), which is perfectly seekable. As soon as the file and its length grows the VLC dosent show the updated length and i can't use the seekbar. I would like to use the seekbar. Any idea what's wrong or what can i try?
More info: if i try out with .wav it's actual size keeps updating and it's perfectly seekable.
I share how i create the file for test purposes, its ffmpeg, dont be scared, the real question is above:
Code: Select all
ffmpeg -re -i /home/myfile.mka -f rtp rtp:// -saved.sdp -f rtp://
ffmpeg -y -protcol_whitelist "file,rtp,udp" -i saved.sdp /home/my_file.mka -map 0 -movflags +faststart