Yet another UPnP issue

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Yet another UPnP issue

Postby Brobdignag » 07 Oct 2019 13:43

Hi all,

I'm trying to play media from an UPnP/DLNA server. Works flawless in most cases, but I only get files listed that are media files, although there are others stored on the server. There are several DVDs stored in the usual DVD structure (VIDEO_TS, AUDIO_TS, *.ifo, *.bup).
If I access the server as a samba share via Windows, VLC lists the complete content of the folders, including the *.ifos. Doing the same via UPnP shows only the *.bup files, therefore I cannot play the DVD content by starting VIDEO_TS.ifo.
Is there any way I can change this behaviour?
I'm using VLC 3.08 on Win7 64.

Thanks for any hint.

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