VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

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VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby sivowehlds » 01 Apr 2019 19:47

I just installed VLC 3.0.6, added the proper files to play my blu-ray discs, and was set to try out the 3D. Originally I wanted to have VLC play the 3D in side-by-sde so I could watch cross-eyed in 3D.

However, I first came across the "Anaglyph 3D" checkbox under Tools > Effects and Filters > Video Effects > Advanced and thought to try out my "red-blue" glasses. Popped in my Blade Runner 2049 3D disc, ran VLC, and got this:


from this (normal picture):


After playing around with some internal sizing/cropping/ratios, ... (BTW, the settings layout is non-intuitive, in fact, confusing -- can one of the authors overhaul it? I'd say it deserves top priority) ... I couldn't fix it or even figure out if it was full SBS cropped and stretched, or not.

It would be nice if it worked for my glasses, but I'd prefer getting full SBS in proper color, for cross-eyed viewing or (better yet) with a VR-viewer on my cellphone. Has anyone has this worked out? And are the developers on this to any degree?

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Re: VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby OkinKun » 07 Apr 2019 22:43

I second this! Having support to play 3D in Side-by-Side or Over-Under mode would be VERY useful for watching 3D blu-rays in VR. (VR is the best way to watch 3D movies, but usually needs side-by-side or over-under mode to work, since the VR software looks for side-by-side or over-under and automatically sends each video signal only to their corresponding eye. That way player-softwares don't have to do anything special except display side-by-side.)

Right now, when I put a 3D blu-ray disc into my PC's blu-ray drive, (after adding the aacs thing to VLC of course) VLC only seems to be able to plays it in 2D, ignoring one of the images completely. I can't even use the Anaglyph mode.. :/

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Re: VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby unidan » 08 Apr 2019 11:40

BTW, the settings layout is non-intuitive, in fact, confusing -- can one of the authors overhaul it? I'd say it deserves top priority
In fact, there are things that are much more top priority than this, but you can involve yourself to start designing something new and bringing ideas if it's important for you ;)
It might come after having finished the new interface.

For the issue, there is pending work on this for windows and Linux, I'll keep you updated.

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Re: VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby sivowehlds » 11 Apr 2019 00:05

Right now, when I put a 3D blu-ray disc into my PC's blu-ray drive, (after adding the aacs thing to VLC of course) VLC only seems to be able to plays it in 2D, ignoring one of the images completely. I can't even use the Anaglyph mode.. :/

Some versions backs, red-blue (or red-cyan) anaglyph actually worked and someone wrote a step-by-step tutorial of what to do (I'm pretty sure it was in the VLC forum). It was very simple but it required an earlier release of VLC.

Problem there was (*attention developers*) you could not have more than one install of VLC because the last install always overwrote the previous install, even if in a different installation folder. (Come on, guys. I know this is easy to do right ... it's just another program. :wink: )

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Re: VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby sivowehlds » 11 Apr 2019 00:17

... you can involve yourself to start designing something new and bringing ideas if it's important for you ;)

Really? I didn't know you were okay with users intimately presuming upon your projects. Sure, I'd like to give VCL some design thought and recommendations!

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Re: VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby unidan » 11 Apr 2019 09:32

Problem there was (*attention developers*) you could not have more than one install of VLC because the last install always overwrote the previous install, even if in a different installation folder. (Come on, guys. I know this is easy to do right ... it's just another program. :wink: )
I don't really know what the issue is, but you could use a portable version to achieve this.
Some versions backs, red-blue (or red-cyan) anaglyph actually worked and someone wrote a step-by-step tutorial of what to do (I'm pretty sure it was in the VLC forum). It was very simple but it required an earlier release of VLC.
As soon as the pending work on windows video output is done, I'll check this issue. If it's a bug it should be fixed.
Really? I didn't know you were okay with users intimately presuming upon your projects. Sure, I'd like to give VCL some design thought and recommendations!
It's an open source project so it's alive because of contribution from people. If you plan on doing this, best way would be to get in touch on IRC: https://wiki.videolan.org/Contact_VideoLAN/#IRC

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Re: VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby sivowehlds » 14 Apr 2019 02:11

sivowelhds wrote:
... VLC ... install always overwrote the previous install, even if in a different installation folder.
unidan wrote:
I don't really know what the issue is, ...

I'd guess it's a registry problem, where all versions of VLC data go to the same place rather than in their own place. If you're not using the registry, you must be doing the same thing directly in the OS. It's the whole "upgrade" approach (everything going into the last install instead of where the user wants it).

sivowelhds wrote:
Some versions backs, red-blue (or red-cyan) anaglyph actually worked and someone wrote a step-by-step tutorial of what to do (I'm pretty sure it was in the VLC forum). It was very simple but it required an earlier release of VLC.

I believe it was a version 1.x that was needed, when version 2.x had been released and it wouldn't work therein. I tried a quick search of the forum, here, but nothing came up. May be somewhere else. I'll link to it if I find it.

unidan wrote:
It's an open source project so it's alive because of contribution from people. ... best way would be to get in touch on IRC: https://wiki.videolan.org/Contact_VideoLAN/#IRC

Thanks, but I'll just post the approach/organization and then let the appropriate developer review it and implement any of it (if favorable). :)

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Re: VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby sivowehlds » 15 Apr 2019 01:06

Okay. I found that old link ... only not exactly as I remembered it. :roll: I thought it was from a blu-ray disc (*buzzer*) to create an anaglyph (*ding*) and that it worked on one version of VLC but not another (*ding*) - version 1 to version 2 (*buzzer*). Here it is to speak for itself:

How to watch 3d films with VLC in Anaglyph and Cross Eye Fullscreen (YouTube - Jan 18, 2014)

Note that it only works up to 2.0.8 as the author explains, at the time of this writing.

So, to the original question. I guess VLC did not output the stereo pair from blu-ray for the weird ouput I had in the 1st post.

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Re: VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby sivowehlds » 23 Apr 2019 01:01

In the meantime, we wait for VLC programmers to work out 3D extraction and display. (As I understand it, one eye is the full image and the other eye is a differential-lossless-compression for it's full image.) Looking around for other such helper utilities, there is DVDFab, of course, from which the FindVUK utility (https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=172472) reads and databases keys that allows VLC to display our Blu-rays on our computers ... only not in 3D ... that is, not yet -- hint, hint. :)

A blogger (https://mysolutions.tech/) specializing in writing about several of them choose AnyMP4 as his top pick. All these utilities have limitations in their "free" and "trial" versions, but weighing in heavily for DVDFab is a special deal for DVDFab Blu-ray Copy + Blu-ray Ripper packages to all you PC Magazine readers (and you know you are, right?). ;)

Net-Load Giveaway: DVDFab Blu-ray Copy + Blu-ray Ripper for FREE
http://net-load.com/giveaway-dvdfab-blu ... -for-free/

Actually, it's 1-year for free ... but I'm not complaining. The 1st link on that page, "Giveaway link", is for the DVDFab website (german) to get the email and password to activate the "giveaway" items. Here is their "welcome" email, translated courtesy of GoggleTranslate:
Welcome to DVDFab! This email will give you your free 1-year DVDFab Blu-ray Copy + Blu-ray Ripper license (Windows version). Please follow the instructions below to register the software.

1. Install the DVDFab program on the DVD of PC Magazin Heft or on http://de.dvdfab.cn/download.htm
2. Launch DVDFab 11 64-bit version, click "Enable" on the welcome screen.
3. Enter the following credentials and then click "Activate".

E-Mail: pcmagazin201905@dvdfab.cn
Password: pcmagazin201905

Now you can enjoy the DVDFab Blu-ray Copy + Blu-ray Ripper. Have fun with DVDFab!

If you have further questions, please contact us at service.de@dvdfab.cn

Note: This free license is only valid until May 31, 2020.

In this case, you don't needed to go there, as commenter "sigma" already went there and lists the information further down on Net-Load's page:

E-Mail: pcmagazin201905@dvdfab.cn
Password: pcmagazin201905

So, just go to the 2nd link, "Download link", for the DVDFab website. Slide down the page a little to the "offline downloader" section (always my personal preference) and select DVDFab 11 -- the big button link is for the 64-bit version, the text link below it is for the 32-bit version. (I grabbed both for testing on a 64-bit system. Note that with both individually installed, activating one automatically activates the other.)

Looks like it will be a busy year. 8)

(I'll start a new subject in the correct sub-forum and go through my tests and observations.)

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Re: VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby sivowehlds » 28 Apr 2019 21:12

Well, it doesn't look like there is a sub-forum to talk about other software ... so I'll keep it here and keep it brief (easier). :D

There are differences between AnyMP4 and DVDFab. In the end, it all boils down to file size that determines quality of the resulting saves (archives should be an exact clones, sans user-restrictions if so chosen). So comparing apples & oranges (AnyMP4's trial software vs DVDFab's ripping part of their software), AnyMP4 has a checkbox for reversing left-right 3D for cross-eyed viewing while DVDFab doesn't (unless it's somewhere in another part of their software).

On the other hand AnyMP4's trial restricts operations to the first 5 minutes of a title, while DVDFab's 1 free year is ... well ... one free year of their rip-part. Guess who wins that one. ;)

Remember to run FindVUK for your media. It will automatically launch DVDFab and get keys required for VLC to play those titles -- without ongoing subscription fees* or need for an Internet connection* -- in order to view your media.

* what good is a lifetime subscription if the company goes out of business and you can't connect to them. :roll:

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Re: VLC 3D Blu-ray (disc) and Side-By-Side (SBS) or Top-Bottom

Postby sivowehlds » 29 Apr 2019 01:06

BTW, if you want 3D in VLC, then post this:


and let your opinion be counted. Image

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