I am casual computer user, no specialist. I have hundreds of MP4 files, which I would like to convert into MP3 (namely: Extract Audio stream and convert it into MP3).
I can do it manually, one file after another, but this method is too slow.
I have spent many hours following on-line instructions for batch conversion, but with little success. The conversion have not started due to spaces in the paths (for example C:\Program Files...), spaces in the file names (for example: "File 01.mp4") or the system haven't recognize command vlc.exe.
I ask community for exact code to solve following task:
* To make batch conversion of hundreds of MP4 files into MP3 Files,
* Files are located in the folder C:\Users\Xxx\Downloads\MP4 Files
* VLC is located in folder C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC;
* MP4 Files contains space, for example "File 01.mp4"
System: Win 10 x64, VLC 3.0.4., Powershell 6 x64.
Thanks, Thomas