Postby VLCwin7User » 17 Mar 2017 20:02
When I download webm from Youtube, I always have to download two files, an audio and a video. So, does the webm file have audio when you play it directly in VLC?
Because if I want to play webm in VLC, I load the video using the open multiple file dialogue. Then, there is a check box for "play another media synchronously (extra audio file)". Then webm plays in VLC. I would assume that then, your conversion effort would work.
I like webm better. FFmpeg can combine the audio and video without reencoding (no loss) into a single webm file that has both video and audio
It's something like ffmpeg - i video.webm -i audio.webm -acodec copy -vcodec copy -scodec copy -map_metadata 0:s:0 output.webm
I did this a while ago, so I have no idea what "-map_metadata 0:s:0" is. -scodec is subtitles.