Insert pause in playlist

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New Cone
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Insert pause in playlist

Postby SFS » 21 Feb 2019 19:40

Ok, I've set up my playlist from attached USB drives that my friends have brought. I'm out there somewhere on the dance floor acting like a jerk while the list is playing and Sally comes up to me and says that after the next three songs she has an announcement to make. It would be nice to be able to go over to the VLC playlist and insert a pause after a specific song. I know I can edit the playlist text file but that is cumbersome. I currently insert a 5 min silent song where she wants to talk. Then I choose the next song and begin to play again. Would be nice to be able to right click on my playlist and insert a series of pauses after playing certain songs. Is this possible?

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 1951
Joined: 15 Mar 2011 16:38
VLC version: 2.0.8
Operating System: Windows Vista/XP

Re: Insert pause in playlist

Postby mederi » 22 Feb 2019 14:56

VLC supports pause stream.
vlc://pause:<seconds> Pause the playlist for a certain time
You can enqueue it in current VLC playlist through the "Open Media > Network" dialog box (Media > Open Network Stream... Ctrl+N). Then you have to move it manually with mouse to a desired position in VLC playlist.
Right-click context menu on a playlist item could really offer "Insert pause" option to insert at least the endless pause "vlc://pause" directly on a desired position. Another context menu option could insert "vlc://quit" in playlist. You can file your feature request:

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