What wifi cameras support rtsp by VLC ?

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What wifi cameras support rtsp by VLC ?

Postby darius2019 » 05 Feb 2019 00:51


I would like to buy wifi cameras supporting rtsp by VLC to watch video on PC ( win32 xp)

Most wifi cameras offered via internet aution sites or aliexpress feature Android platform support only
and a buyer/ user is advised to download and install named application from Google Play shop
- Guard in my case

I plan to install a number of public wifi cameras, powered by solar panels + power bank

broadcasting video to unl;imited number of concurrent users, alike DVB-T transmitter does.

So I would like to use wireshark to access and process wifi video stream on-the-go to be then fet into VLC video player as a file or rtsp video stream, filtered out by wireshark

In theory, some wifi cameras support 5 up to 10 concurrent users
but in practice, due to bandwith limit, first wifi camera users can lock all the traffic
so some providers use power off/ power on as time-out feature

Please let me know your opinion


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Re: What wifi cameras support rtsp by VLC ?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 17 Feb 2019 23:04

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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